tutor me ☆

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Summary: Your best friend Eddie is thankful that you tutor him in history. While it helps his failing grades, it also lets him spend more time with you. When he finds out you're a virgin who's never had an orgasm, he offers to repay you with a lesson of his own...

Warnings: 18+ smut, dry-humping, fingering, lap-riding, praise, simultaneous orgasms, best friends secretly loving each other

Word count: 5.2k

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A frustrated groan echoed through the warmly lit room as Eddie crumpled up a piece of notebook paper. The two of you had been going through the latest American History chapter in preparation for the unit test and it was not going well.

"Time for a break?" you proposed.

You sat with your legs stretched out on his bed, textbook laying heavily atop your bare skin. It was a particularly warm spring in Hawkins and the trailer's few fans didn't circulate much cool air. Your best friend lent you one of his Metallica tees to bring you some relief from the heat.

The soft grey cotton fell at your mid-thigh and Eddie couldn't help but notice the way your panties were nearly visible when you lift your arms. He was sitting a few feet across the room in his desk chair, fidgeting with his rings as he tried not to stare at you lounging there in his clothes. 

Eddie had always had a thing for you. He knew it was wrong and felt guilty whenever he got that warm, fuzzy feeling around you. She's my best friend, I can't like her.

You felt the same way about him and were too afraid to ever make a move. For years you couldn't ignore the way your heart fluttered when he smiled at you.

The metalhead talked to you about girls, so you figured he had zero interest in you. Somehow you were entirely blind to the way he gaped at you with those dewy, chocolate eyes.

The mutual longing you two basked in sometimes turned into a burning tension that you never did anything with. Tonight was very much one of those times.

"You sleeping here tonight?" Eddie wondered. He stood up to stretch, cracking his knuckles as he awaited your answer.

You looked over at the clock on his bedside table. 11:47. It was your usual routine to sleep over at Eddie's on the weekend, especially when his uncle was working.

"Yup," you affirmed.

The room stayed quiet for minutes after that, both of you putting the work aside for a much-needed pause. Eddie noticed a poster corner had fallen free from the wall so he busied with sticking it back. You flipped to be laying across his bed horizontally, head dangling off the side.

It was something you and Eddie had been doing since you were kids. Hair cascading down to the floor, laying as long as you could until the blood rushing to your head became too much. It unlocked a childlike innocence in you, and a giggle bubbled from your chest as your mind wandered.

"I like when we have sleepovers," you stated, voice slightly distorted with the position. The curly-haired boy stole a glance over and smiled to himself at the sight of you.

"You do realize," he paused, making his way over to the bed. It creaked lowly as he sat on the end. "...calling it a sleepover makes you sound like a virgin."

Your mouth clamped shut and you were glad to be hanging upside down so he couldn't see you. All of a sudden you felt extremely shy and self-conscious at the mention.

You were a virgin. And you felt pressure to just do it and get it over with. It was one secret you kept close to your chest since teenagers are quick to rag on others who haven't gotten any action. You'd dated guys before and got hot and heavy with a few, but never slept with any of them.

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