"Happy Thoughts"

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My happy thought is:
Edna lying in my lap,
Like the cute little dog that she is.

Until I remember:
She doesn't cuddle
Unless she's in severe pain
Or is utterly terrified.

My happy thought is:
Evie lying on my lap,
Like the tiny puppy she is.

Until I remember:
She cuddels everyone.
This means nothing,
And therefore why is it so awsome?

My happy thought is:
Chocolate on my tongue,
Melting and perfect.

Until I remember:
Chocolate has a nasty aftertaste,
At least to me,
And hypersensitivity.

My happy thought is:
Giving up.

And when I remember:
Giving up is easier,
I just do.

Poetry By Me! (Morgan, he/him)Where stories live. Discover now