sh sh sh, it's ok

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'hey hey hey sh sh sh, you're okay, you're safe' I hear Evan whispering in my ear. what just happened?

'wha-what happened?' I ask totally confused 'you had a pretty bad nightmare, but don't worry, nothing happened' he said turning on the bedside lamp but dimming the light

'wanna talk about it?' he asks, and I take it as my chance to just cry

'hey, it's ok, come here' he says while he pulls me in for a hug

'I know how you feel, I also had really bad nightmares when I was a teenager' he says while he tries to comfort me

'and how did they stop?' I ask, 'well, they stopped on their own, after I moved out from my parent's house they kinda stopped, I just think that those nightmares came from my parents, didn't have the best relationship' and that's the moment where I see the real Evan Buckley, not just a golden retriever, but a real person.

'hey, it's ok, my relationship with my parent's isn't the best one either' I say with still tears in my eyes

'wanna talk about it?' he says, 'I would, but I kinda wanna get a couple of hours more of sleep, but we can definitely talk about it over drinks' I tell him with with a smirk on my face, and in that moments he knew I read the note 'and don't worry, I have your number' I assure him

'my number? how? are you stalking me?' he asks overreacting

'yeah you wish crazy, now go back to sleep, you also have work tomorrow' I say while tucking back into bed 'yes doctor Nash' he says and I hear him chuckle. well, it turns out Evan is a really good listener, and I feel like he and I are gonna be really good friends. 

a.n- hiiii, im sorry this one is a short one, I hope you're liking it tho, if you have any suggestions or anything, please comment and I will do my best to put it on the story although the story is already being planned as something, but maybe you're suggestions are better than what I was gonna write :)

Evan Buckley - do not mess with the captain's nieceWhere stories live. Discover now