make up ♢

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avery's POV.

I locked the door to my room, I am not going to let ANYONE in right now. Jameson has made me outraged. My best friend Max simply bumped into him and he lashed out of her. I scratch my sheets with fury, how could he lack this much empathy?! I inhale and exhale, trying to slow my breath down to keep me from punching a wall.

I hear Max knocking at my door. I refused to respond. Max' footsteps trailed off, getting farther and farther away from my door.

Max stopped. I go up to the door silently, my ear kept on the aperture to my room.

"Max, I really am sorry," Jameson sighed. "It's okay, Jameson. I told you it's fine. It's just not okay that Avery is all mad about it and stuff." Max replied. I went back to my bed and crossed my arms. How could she NOT be mad at him? I continued to eavesdrop. It's my issue anyway. 

"I've just had a bad day today, I lost my keys while I was trying to find something else, and now I can't find either of them." Jameson grumbled. Suddenly, guilt filled my emotions.

"You should just go tell Avery that you didn't mean to yell and you were just frustrated," Max advised. I laid down on my pillow, my knees resting on my stomach. I shut my eyes closed, closing out the rest of their conversation.

"Max, she locked the door. How am I supposed to tell her?" Jameson queried. "Beach, just knock on the door. She faxing loves you." Max rolled her eyes. "That can't work. She's really mad, Max." Jameson placed a hand on his forehead. "JUST DO IT!!!" Max screeched in Jameson's face.

I heard a brisk knock on my door. Maybe Max came to check on me again. I opened the door reluctantly, only to see Jameson with his fluffy hair. I immediately tried to shut the door, but Jameson prevented it. I go to my bed to avoid my boyfriend. 

Jameson leaned on the door-frame, "Heiress, please. I don't want you to be mad at me." I shooed him with my hand, "well I still am." 

There was a brief pause.

I began to rant, "I just don't like it when you yell at anyone, it makes me really uncomfortable. I especially don't like it when you yell at someone like Max or Libby."

Jameson sat on the bed beside me, gesturing for me to come closer. I do. He held my hips and pulled me to his lap. "Do you forgive me?" He pouted. I nodded slowly. Jameson turned me around to face him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, he smiled.

Jameson pulled my face in. He kissed me hard, leaving me breathless after a while. 

 "Heiress, you're a good kisser."

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