Soft as a Feather || Revali X Hylian!Reader

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Revali takes Reader on his mission to scout the Hebra Region for monster camps

The sun fell beneath the horizon, casting a shadow of darkness across Hyrule that was only aided by the starlight and glow of the moon as it began to rise. Without the heat of the sun, a chill was brought upon the regions, though most were heading to bed where they would be protected from the cold by warm blankets and a roof over their head. And most nights, this went for all Hyrule. Though this particular evening, the Rito weren't able to hide under blankets.

Large, heavy clouds gathered into a storm that crossed the Hebra Mountains, hailing a blizzard upon the region. Rito Village was still in the clear, but they knew it would only be a short time before the storm would pass over them. Certainly sooner than the sun would rise again in the morning.

The Captain of the Rito army was stationed at the landing platform, greeting a group of warriors as they approached him. He and the elder decided it would be for the best to begin sending their soldiers out to make sure they were stocked with enough food, and that no additional threats drew too close to the village.

You leaned against the archway at the entrance of Revali's room, wrapping a long cloth around your wrist while you waited for him.

"Hurry up, Revali, we don't have all night." You asked, hearing a huff come from the bird as he hurried around his room in search of his bow. You watched as he tore apart one of his drawers, with little luck in finding it. "Did you check your gown closet, princess?"

"Shut up." He huffed as he reached underneath his dresser, and the aggravation in his expression melted when he felt something, and his eyes lit up as he pulled the weapon out. He set the bow down on his hammock with his quiver before taking one more look in the mirror as he fixed his shoulder pad.

"Are you done putting on your make-up yet?" You asked, earning you a crisp scoff from the Rito, and he grabbed his weapons and got them situated on his back before he met you at the door. You took one look over his and you hummed. "Hm. You must've decided to go without it. You look tired."

"I don't have time for your antics tonight, _____." He sighed as he began hopping down the steps of the village, and you followed close behind him with a sly grin on your face. "I have to head out and scout the east side of the village, there's some camps near Passer's Hill that are necessary for me eliminate." He glanced back at you over his shoulder. "Oh, sorry, just in case you couldn't understand that: I'm going to fly away to find the monsters. Monsters are bad. Rito get rid of them."

You rolled your eyes as you folded your arms, hearing him laugh as he stole the grin you had originally. The pair of you reached the landing, and Revali bowed his head to the captain.

"Are you ready?" The tall bird asked, and Revali nodded. You thought for a moment, feeling your own bow on your back, and then you cut in.

"How about I come with you?" You asked, and the blue bird glanced back at you. "I could be some extra help against those camps. And besides, you probably need someone strong to protect you."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here? You know, with the other children?" He asked, and you grunted. "Some bokoblin plushies might be a little more suited to your skill, _____."

"I think we have enough people staying to defend the village. You can go along with him if you'd like." The captain told you, and you smiled as you walked past Revali and towards the edge of the platform.

"Well, if you're sure you want to come. I suppose I could use a friend out there, someone to cheer me on." He laughed as you pulled out your paraglider, and before you opened it, you swung it at him. "I'll make sure you don't break a nail, sweetheart." You ran off the platform with him flying close beside you, using the wind to help you stay high in the air as you glided across Lake Totori, towards Passer's Hill.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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