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Writer's Note: Sorry, I had to take some time off for a family emergency. Today's song is Decent by Harvard of The South. Many of their members are also part of Blue October. They are great!


I walked into my dad's office and plopped down in an ancient brown Italian leather chair. I covered my face in my hands, just trying to get a grip on all of this.

"Son, why are you in such a state?" My dad asked firmly.

I just looked at my dad, trying to find the words to spit out. I had to advise him of what was happening. He has the full power to make it stop.

"So dad, we have a situation that only you may be able to fix. We need to protect our lower class. They are not being treated well by higher class pack members. " I started.

"Is there a particular member that caught your attention? Did you see it happening?" My dad asked.

I take a deep breath and begin telling him the truth. "It's Reign. She is being targeted. Right now, I think it is one particular person, but that person likes to make Reign bleed. I have to admit this is all my fault. I even jumped in on the taunts and mean remarks. But now they are really hurting her, and I'm just now seeing it. I found her hobbling down the road today, and she was limping. I stopped to check on her, and she was bleeding from her legs. I took her to doc, and he said it was done with a silver knife, but she says she fell. She won't tell me. She doesn't trust me." I get out at once, and I'm struggling for breath.

"Tell me everything that you know already." Dad grated out.

I told him everything. How we had treated her all these years, physically and verbally. Emotionally, too, I suppose. I told him how I found her bleeding, and she insisted that shee had fallen no matter how hard I pressed. I told him the doc said it was done with silver knives and intentionally done. I told him who was in the area, Bryan, Christy, and Stella. How they claim Reign attacked them and hurt the future Beta. I reminded him of the cameras. I told him who I suspect and that Reign needs security.

When I finish, I look at my dad, and his once emerald green eyes are almost fully black. His wolf, Ryker, was trying to surface. Dad was fighting with all he had to keep control. His jett black hair was tousled.

Finally, he gains control and speaks in a growl.

"You were a part of this? I know I raised you better than that. I can't believe you would do such a thing to her. She never deserved it. Not once!" He yelled.

"Yes, father. I regret it so much now. I never realized how bad it truly was until this week. I will make it right, though. I will protect her better. " I say truthfully.

"We will investigate this further, and I will make sure justice is brought. I mean to all parties responsible. " he says angrily. His Alpha dominance was really showing.

He loves Reign. He has always treated her as a daughter. I was always so jealous of the attention he showed her. When my wolf came forward at sixteen because I'm an Alpha, but she will shift in a few days and will find her wolf. Then, she will be more protected and stronger, but still an Omega. Dad told me her true story that day, what truly happened. I was in shock. She is of Alpha blood but is listed as an Omega. Dad never explained that.

"So what else is on your mind, son?" Dad asked in concern.

"A dream." I whisper.

"Okay, tell me about it. Maybe I can help, but if not, I can still listen. " dad said as he patted my hand.

"So in my dream I was Jinx, running around in the euphoric surroundings. As I ran, a smell invaded my nose. Without even realizing it, I just followed it. I arrived in a clearing and saw two wolves. One was brindle, and one was a beautiful silver with violet eyes. Their smells were so opposite. The brindle smelled like rotten oranges and stagnant mud. The silver wolf was intoxicating. She smelled of fresh rain and lavender. Jinx knew immediately she was our mate. He just wanted to get to her. The two wolves started to fight, and I tried to run to them, but it was like I was stuck in the ground. After a short battle, the silver wolf made the brindle submit, and then she quickly ran away. The silver turned and finally saw me. As she stared at me, I was desperate to reach her. She raised herself high on her haunches, growled angrily, and ran away. I could do nothing. " I said lowly, recalling the dream.

"Son, do you not remember your werewolf history lessons?" He asked.

"That was so long ago. I guess I need a reminder. " I said.

"If I recall the legend correctly, the silver wolf is only born every five hundred years and is called the Lunar Wolf. It is a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess, Selene. The wolf is usually blessed with powers such as healing, foretelling, incredible strength, and reflexes. There are so many more possibilities. The wolf is always female. Whoever her mate is becomes a Lunar Warrior, the strongest of all warriors. He is usually from a strong bloodline as well. Together, they will be the strongest of all wolves, including the royal line. They are sought after by all who want her power to use as they see fit. The purpose of her mate is to protect her from all danger. She will change the world. " he informs me.

I sit in silence for a couple of minutes. My thoughts are swirling in my head. Hard to hold onto. Does my dream mean I am the Lunar Warrior? Was it a prophetic dream? I know now who I'm searching for, but will I ever find them?

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. I'm going to let you focus on the investigation for now. Let me know what you find or if you need my assistance." I huffed.

As I was walking out the door my dad spoke up, "Don't forget the most special thing in your world could be hidden from you until you are strong enough to protect it. You have to be smart and resilient. "

I take in his words, nod and stalk out of the room. I have to see she is okay, already going in her direction without giving myself permission. Damn wolf always does what he wants to. Damn!

Falling In Love With My Mate (A Lunar Wolf Novel #1)Where stories live. Discover now