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Writer's Note: Thank you for hanging out with me! If you like the content, please vote and comment. Today's playlist song is Dirt Room by Blue October.


I take my time getting to the cells. It's honestly not my favorite place. Our cells are located at the western border and are almost invisible to the naked eye. We have them built into a hill, and they go a ways underground.

There is always a copper metallic stench in the air when you walk in. They are surely not made for comfort or aesthetics. The more uncomfortable it is, the better for our guests.

I finally arrive in my wolf form and retrieve clothes from the basket stored at the entrance. Pulling on some basketball shorts, I steel myself and open the entrance door. The smell of copper and burning flesh assaults my nose.

I stand tall with blood, still covering my body, in plain view for intimidation. I walk down the stairs into the holding cells to where Gregory is being held. Delta Alex is waiting for me outside of the cell. I look in and see he has Gregory nicely secured with silver chains, sitting in a chair.

I stare at the semi-concious man and clear my throat. It looks like Alex had a little fun with him before I arrived. The silver chains binding him burn into his skin, causing extreme pain and suffering. Exactly what we need right now.

Gregory looks up at me and dares to smile, like he is the one in charge of this interrogation. I smile back, look at Alex, and tell him to bring me my tools. He nods his head and leaves to retrieve my toys. I have trained my whole life to be Alpha, and part of that training was torture techniques.

Now, it's not my favorite thing to do, but sometimes it is necessary, like today. They dared to think they could take my mate. They dared to cross into my land. I will not tolerate this in any form.

Gregory is quiet, with a smirk, but that won't last long once I start with him. Alex ambles back in carrying a duffle bag and gloves. I open the cell, and Alex places the bag on a table. I slowly put the gloves on, making a point to make them snap loudly. This draws Gregory's attention to me, and the scent of fear escapes him.

I smile my most wicked smile and unzip the bag. I start laying my favorite instruments on the table, and his eyes bulge a bit. Taking your time and drawing it out is the worst form of torture. Everything contained in the bag is or has silver in it. The most painful would have to be the syringes with liquid silver extract and wolfsbane.

I make sure he sees everything I am doing. I lay a silver wrench, a silver hammer, silver forceps, and different sizes of silver scalpels out, just to name a few. I instructed Alex to hang him from the bar bolted to the ceiling. Bryan arrives to help Alex in his task.

Once Gregory is secured, hanging from his hands with only his tip toes touching the floor, I pick up the forceps, usually harmless, and walk up to him. Making sure he sees them well. I begin.

"Hello Gregory, I'm Alpha Jace of the Obsidian Pack, but you know that, correct?" I say in my strongest Alpha tone. He doesn't answer but can not stop himself from shaking. The body will always betray the mouth.

I bend down to his feet, and he tries to kick me, but I dodge and laugh hard. "You're already getting off on the wrong foot, Gregory." I say.

I take the forceps and force one edge under his big toenail on his right foot. I apply pressure and pull slowly. He struggles but is able to hold in his screams. He's tough for sure, but everyone can be broken.

I yank the forceps hard and pull his toenail out of the bed of skin. I release it, letting it fall to the floor. I stand, and he looks at me in hatred and, most of all, pain.

"Gregory, why did you and your friends trespass onto our pack land?" I state in a dominant voice.

"To gather blueberries, we wanted to make a pie." He answers, trying to smile through the pain.

I tisk at him and walk back to the table. I lay the forceps down and retrieve the wrench. Walking back towards him, I slowly open the mouth of it. He watches me with bated breath as I return.

"A pie you say. We do have delicious blueberries here. I can understand wanting them, but I don't think you're telling me the truth." I say as I take his left hand and bend it down.

Placing the wrench around his pointer finger, I start to close it. You can hear the sizzle on his skin at the contact. I close it until it's slightly hanging from him.

"Why did you really come here? I ask as I start closing the mouth of the wrench around his finger, crushing the bone while singeing the skin. He cries out in pain, and I smile at his contorted face.

"I'll never tell you anything, Alpha boy!" He screams in agony.

I am going to get serious now if he refuses me still.

I leave the wrench clasped tightly to his broken finger and make my way back to the table, picking up a syringe. I would normally take more time with this, but time was not on our side right now.

He is thrashing his body, trying to get away, when I hold up the syringe. I look at it like it's my best friend and ask him, " Do you know what this is?" He just looks ahead. "This is silver concentrate and wolfsbane. Now, usually I save this for last, but I'm in a bit of a rush. I heard your conversation with your dead buddies. You came here for my mate. Who sent you?"

He breathes in deeply as I tease his neck with the needle. His body jerks and swings from the chains.

His fear has spiked, and he pissed himself. I look at him in disgust and say, "Do you know what this mixture does to a wolf? If not, let me explain.
First, wolfsbane, which you already have in your system, separates you from your wolf, not allowing you to heal or communicate with others. The silver will slowly course through your bloodstream, destroying all of your organs until they turn to liquid. Once complete organ failure occurs, you will slowly gasp for your last breath. The last thing to go will be your brain, so you will be aware of it all. Who sent you?" I question.

Gregory closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and spits out, "The silver wolf has a bounty on her head!"

"And who put this bounty out?" I ask.

"I don't know!" He replies.

"Not telling whole truths again, I see," I quip as I insert the needle into his throat.

"I swear! I don't know! It's in the werewolf black web. No names were given. They only contacted you on burner phones and never gave any names!" He rushes out.

I stand patiently with my finger on the plunger. "And how much is this bounty you are so desperate to collect?" I ask.

"$50,000,000 cash. All you have to do is deliver her safely to coordinates sent after capturing her." He belts.

Getting what I need, I'm certain he knows nothing else, but he will never leave here to talk to anyone.

"Thank you, Gregory, for your honesty." I say as I push the plunger of the syringe in. He will never be able to speak to anyone about today, and now I know what we need to be looking for.

Gregory screams in pain as his body bucks underneath him. He curses and threatens me until he can no longer speak.

Not wanting to stay for the ending, which is horrid, I turn to Bryan and say, "I'm going to shower in the gym before I go back to my mate. I don't want her to see this. She need not know for now."

Bryan and Alex acknowledge, and I turn and walk away. Knowing what I had just done sent a chill through my body, but knowing she was safe was worth every minute.

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