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Writer's Note: Thank you for your support! If you like the content of the book, please vote and comment. Today's playlist song is Warrior sung by Voice Play (Originally by Imagine Dragons)


I have had sex many times in my life, but nothing compared to what it was like with my mate. I feel guilty now that I did not wait for her. She deserved better than what I am. However, I will never let her slip away from me now. She is my everything, my heart, my soul, and the air I breathe.

I watch her sleep, and she looks like an angel. How had I treated her so badly, for so long. I'm so full of regrets now. I will make it up to her for the rest of my life. I will never let her suffer again.

It's early, but I can't rest. There are too many things running through my mind. There is a huge threat out there against my Reign. No, I have to prepare, become better for her. She will be the mother of my pups someday. I long for that now. To ease my tension, I take a long, hot shower. Dressing in jeans, black t-shirts, and boots, I go to my study.

I'm pulling out the information I've compiled so far, and my desk phone rings.

"Alpha Jace, speaking." I answer.

"Good morning Alpha Jace. Sorry to call so early. This is Alpha Nathan, from Blue Sapphire pack. I just thought it best to alert you, only one of the she-wolves you sent arrived." He said hurriedly.

"Which one?" I asked impatiently.

"Christy. She said Stella had asked her to run with her, but Christy refused, saying she wanted no more trouble." He replied.

"Did she say where Stella was going? Did, she give you any information.?" I asked.

"She only said I needed to make sure you know, Stella is set on revenge. She said that was all she knew." He says.

"Thank you, Alpha Nathan. We will get back to you. We may be calling an alliance meeting soon. I will speak to other Alphas, and let you know." I say.

"Just let me know how to help, and I will be there. Speak to you soon." He says disconnecting.

My fury is pouring off of me. I link my dad, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. I don't care what time it is. This is an emergent threat. They all enter the study within minutes of my link.

"Son, what's going on?" My dad asks.

""Alpha Nathan just rang to inform me that only Christy arrived at his Pack. He said that Stella tried to get her to run with her, but Christy refused. She told him Stella is planning her revenge. She knows what Reign is. I have no clue where she is or her plans. We have to get our shit together and get a plan going. Stella is no longer under Alpha command now that she has been banished" I state.

Dad's eyes glaze over and he is linking someone. I can hear Loreli growling under her breath. She's pissed. I saw her anger. Honestly there are so many emotions rolling in here, it's suffocating.

"Former Beta Harth will be here momentarily. " Dad says.

We all sit in thought, until my study door slams open.

"Why the hell did you wake me so early? This is ridiculous." The former Beta shouts.

I growl with rage and shout right back, "Where the hell is Stella? She didn't go to Blue Sapphire! Have you heard from her?" I demanded.

He bows a bit, and then answers, "I have not spoken to my daughter since she left. That was your order. Was it not? How could I go against the Alpha's orders?" He says with venom in his voice.

I don't trust him, but I have no proof. He is slimy. Always has been. I want him no where near our plan making. I eye him with suspicion and dismiss him from our presence.

He leaves and I immediately tell them, "I don't trust him. I don't trust that family. I want them watched. Twenty-four hours a day!"

Beta Bryan nods and says, "Yes Alpha! I will assign some of our top spies to do so."

I nod and look at the time. It seems to be running out. We have to up our game now. But I need to hold her. I need to feel her in my arms, knowing she is safe and sound. I dismiss everyone and stalk back to my room. I can smell her scent from down the hall, and I start to calm. She is my peace.

I go into my room, but she's not there! Panic runs through my blood and I start to call her name frantically. Rushing into her room, I hear the shower. Goddess help me!

I hear the shower cease, and she steps out in a bathrobe with panic in her eyes. She felt my fear. I try to calm myself, and ease her fear as well. I rush over to her, taking her in my arms and hold her tightly.

Jinx growls in my mind, "Never leave mate! Protect mate!"

"I will buddy! No one will lay a hand on her!" I answer.

Reign relaxes in my arms and leans farther into me. She snuggles her head into the crook of my shoulder and rubs circles on my back to relax me. I can feel my body starting to ease.

I release her and lead her to the sofa in her room. I sit her down and explain everything. No secrets will be kept from her. She is the Luna now, but also a warrior. She must be kept apprise of everything.

"So, the bitch went rouge?" Reign ask.

"I suppose so. But I've no clue where to look for her. We will send out our best trackers led by Delta Alex. He's the strongest tracker we have. She won't get away with this!" I reply.

"What about her lacky?" She says.

"She wanted no more trouble. She went as planned and relayed all this information to Alpha Nathan. I'm going to be calling all allied Alphas and possibly setting up a conference soon. We have got to get ahead of this." I tell her.

"Okay, well it's time for training with Loreli. I'll get back with you later and we can brainstorm. I knew it would never be that easy. Her pride is shattered and she is vindictive." She answers.

I agree and let her know she will be assigned more guards which she scoffs at, but happening none the less. I kiss her tenderly, not taking it to far or I'll never get anything accomplished.

I leave her to get ready, and link Loreli.

"Loreli, I want you to pick ten of the best trained Gammas and add them as a protective guard for Reign." I say.

"Yes, Alpha! Anyone you may have in mind?" She asks.

"I trust your judgment. I know you've trained with the best, so use your knowledge of their skills and experience." I say back.

"Yes, Alpha! I will take care of it immediately!" She replies.

I end the link and return to my study. Bryan is waiting for me and looks as pissed as I feel. Bryan is still on edge from being rejected from his fated mate, but if prayers are answered, he will find a second chance mate. Rejection is rare, but it sometimes occurs. For Bryan, she said it was because she deserved an Alpha. At least she was not from our pack, but it's still hard for him.

"I've set up the spies to watch the Harth family. I got the best we have. They should be undetectable, hiding their scents with the potion the Coven provides." Bryan says.

"Good. I even want to know what they have for breakfast! Every minute detail!" I growl.

"It will be done." He replies.

I sit at my desk and take a few deep breaths too calm myself. I have to keep control no matter what. I'll be no good to anyone if I can't control my temper and wolf.

Leaning back in my chair, I try to think of the packs of the Nocturnos followers. That is where we start. The closest ones to our lands and then out from there. That should be the best starting point. I call Delta Alex in and explain my thoughts, asking their opinions, and set our plans into motion.

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