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"It's funny when you think you know someone, but you really don't. It's even funnier when that person is yourself."

Changbin sighed, closing his diary and gently placing it in the drawer of his bedside table before rolling over and trying once again to fall asleep.

"4 am is not the time for an identity crisis," he thought to himself. He needed to sleep, but counting sheep is hard when each one has the face of your best friend.

"Damn it, Felix, get out of my head."

He turned his lamp back on and got up, thinking maybe if he just ate something he'd be able to sleep.

He stumbled down the stairs into his dark kitchen searching for something to eat.

He settled on a small bowl of cereal. He walked as quietly as he could to grab the box from the cupboard to set next to his bowl on the counter.

As he grabbed the milk his mind switched into autopilot as he continued thinking about Felix.

"There's no way I like him, not like that, we're too good friends, and anyways, I've only ever liked gir—"

His thoughts were interrupted by something cold trickling on his foot.

"Shit!" He looked down to see that he had somehow completely missed the bowl and had been pouring milk onto the counter, which was now rolling off of it and onto his foot.

He scrambled to find the paper towels to clean the floor, accidentally pulling off a few too many.

As he bent down to soak up the milk on the floor, he noticed something dripping onto his head.

"Fuck," he mentally cursed, now pressing the paper towels to his head, hoping he wouldn't have to take another shower.

He stood up to clean the countertop first to avoid more from dripping off, and then moved back to the floor.

"Finally," Changbin thought before standing up and hitting his head on the bottom of the counter. Tonight really wasn't his night.

He took the cereal bowl to the table to eat, being careful to make the least amount of noise as possible as not to wake his parents.

Once he was finished, he accidentally put his bowl in the sink a bit too hard, making a loud CRASH.

Changbin ran upstairs to his room, hoping his parents hadn't heard it or would think they had dreamed it.

Changbin pulled out his phone to check the time.

4:47 AM

He sighed and opened his messages.

Lil Bread 🍞❤️

Hey, Jeongin, you up? I wanna ask you something


Changbin pulled the blankets over him hoping he'd have a response by morning.

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