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I sat crisscross as the rain poured onto the car window "You are gonna like it here Drew" my mom said. I let out a tired sigh and shrugged "I guess..." i muttered. I looked at the window and saw something slightly disturbing, a few teenage boys chasing after another one. My first thought was a few guy hanging out and messing around, that was until i saw the boy who was running face, it was struck with terror and dark bruises. I alertly watched the tough looking boys stop running after the helpless boy. One of them looked at me and stared deeply at our car. I saw him shuffle the remove something from our sight. It wasn't until i put the pieces together that i noticed, He had a blade in his hand. I swallowed a breathe i didn't know i was holding in my throat and looked down at my furry companion. I had a therapy dog. We got a therapy dog because of my old 'issues'. i was falsely diagnosed with depression, when really i was just a nervous girl with little to no friends. I wasn't the most talkative person either, so that didn't help

So, Sheila became apart of the family. To make me less lonely.

Don't get me wrong i love her more than anyone, but people like me don't need therapy dogs. People like me need supporting parents who will listen to you.

We pulled into a two story house and i closed my eyes, i tried to imagine what our lives would be like in this new town, this new house, a new start. It was hard to see me finishing school here. I opened my eyes and looked at my parents who were giving odd looks. "Are you okay honey? Do you need your meds?" my mom asked me in the same tone she uses when she talks to babies. I rolled my eyes "No mom, i'm fine. Come on Sheila" i said quietly. Sheila barked at me and jumped out the car. She was more excited than i was, obviously.

We grabbed our bags and shuffled in. My dad continued to unload the furniture with the movers. As I explored the new house, looking for the right room. I finally came across a room with a neat little window seat and a bathroom. I smiled. This is my room, i mentally claimed

I put my bag down and hustled downstairs to help with the rest of my things. I set my box of books down and duh through it. While everyone put my furniture in my room, i sat at the window seat reading my paperback copy of The Glass Castle. It was my favorite books. I could read it a million times and still cry each time i finished it. I looked out my window and saw a familiar figure, the boy. He looked in my direction and we caught eyes. He had a bruised cheek and a cut lip, making me wince at the thought of how much pain that was causing. His clothes had holes and his flannel hung loose on his shoulder. His hair was a mess, he looked like a mess in general. I felt bad for the boy and i didn't even know his name. He also studied my features.

He put his hand up like he was about to wave but he turned around as the door flung open. He scrambled inside and i focused back on my book, hardly. I couldn't stop thinking about the cuts and bruises.


I poked at my food as my parents chatted about this 'Beautiful House'. I looked around at the boxes all over the house. I'm sure it will look nicer once these are all gone. It was dark in the house.. Like those rainy afternoons. Like every other human being, i loved the rain and the setting it gave. It was the only thing that kept me sane in this family. Other than my dog and variety of books.

      "How do you like the house, honey?" My mom smiled at me "It's really nice." I hesitated to continue "I actually saw this family next doors, it looks like they have a son around my age" I looked up from my dish to see my dad giving me a look "I don't think you should be focusing on boys. You do that before school starts you'll be stuck in boy mode". I looked at him with my eyes but kept my head down.

      "Well, we will just have to go meet our neighbors after dinner, won't we?" my mom grinned, excited to share things with the friendly neighbors. My dad shook his head "No, we have other things to be focusing on. Drew has more important things to do then chat with her neighbors."

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