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I pulled back from Corey but was pulled back into a hug by Judy "Thank you so much" she balled into my eyes "Hey it was no problem, don't cry" i said rubbing her back "That, Bastard killed my baby girl. I'm glad he will be in jail" she sniffed and Corey looked down. I had always knew that he was close to his little sister, but she was dead. Which was pretty sad "I know... It's okay now" i said patting her back. The police called her and Corey over leaving me and my mom to hug

"I'm so proud of you" she whispered in my ear. I smiled and hugged her, we turned our bodies multiple times before i felt a tap on my shoulder, I pulled back and looked at who it was

It was a police officer

"Hello ma'am, We know that you and Mr.Feldman had been pointed at but we still need to ask a few questions" The police lady said. I nodded and leaned against the car

"Was this the first time he has done this" she asked and i shook my head "No, he did point it at me twice. Once a long back and tonight" i nodded in conformation, she looked at me confused "Why didn't you call the police before?" she asked a bit more caring this time "He had committed murder on Corey Haim's little sister and threatened that if he told he would kill his family. So they would jump Corey till he bled" i nodded and the police officer dropped her jaw "Do you mind if we take your daughter down to the station for further questioning? You may come if you like" The police officer asked my mom. She nodded and the police escorted me over to the car

I sat down and about 2 minuets later i was joined by Corey. We drove down the police station in a calm silence. I leaned my head on Corey's shoulder and he kissed my head. I was actually exhausted from the worry that i had. When i get to worried i get really tired. Plus the restlessness made it worse. I let out a breathe and felt some sadness pour over me

"Is there a Dayton Bee here?" I asked the driver and she nodded and raised an eyebrow at me "Yes, Do you know him?" she asked, i sighed and nodded "Yes.. He is my father..." i said sadly. I felt a tear slip out of my eye.

"Do you want to speak with him?" she asked quietly. I sat up abruptly "Can I?" i asked and she nodded "I would think you wanted to..." she said with a small smile. I nodded "Yes please" i said and looked at Corey. He gave me a worried look "Can he come with me?" i asked and she nodded "Sure"


I walked out of the interrogation room with Corey and took a deep breathe "You wanna see him now?" he asked me and i nodded "I need to know why" i said and he nodded. We took our seats in the waiting room. Everyone was there but asleep, only me and Corey were awake. We waited for the police to come out of that room and say it was okay to go in.

The suspense in my stomach turned as the door opened. The man looked at us. I looked at Corey and stood up, we walked in there, hand in hand.

My dad looked up, he looked horrible. I sat in front of him and looked at my lap "I heard you saved someone's life..." his stern voice, was gone. He sounded soft and kind. I whimpered and Corey rubbed my back "Yea..." i voice cracked "Drew..." he said and i looked up "I deserve this... I shouldn't have treated you so poorly, i threw all those beautiful drawings in the fire and i regret it so much. You have something special. I regret all if this.. I won't ever hurt you again" he said and i felt the tears start to pour "I'm so sorry Baby Bee" he said and my heart shattered. Before he left for war, he would call me Baby Bee. My dream... I never thought of that till now. How mean he looked. How he hurt me. But he would do that now, i know now.

"Dad..." i said and he looked down "I forgive you.. But i'm my own person now okay?" i said and he looked up at me and smiled "I understand, and i am proud of you" He said and stood up. I ran into his arms. I hugged him till the doors open "Time to go Dayton" the guard said, my dad nodded and i felt my heart speed up "I love you so much but oyu need to know something" he said and i furrowed my eyebrows "Come on Dayton" The guard said and started to drag him away, his face fell and i screamed "No! Wait! You can do that! Stop!" i screamed and some guards came running "Dad! Don't go!" i screamed as they pulled me out. I wiggled out of there grasp and ran to the door.

It was too late, as soon as i reached the door, it shut tight. I hit the door "No!" i said and i fell to my knees. I could hear Corey shoo the guards away. My hair fell in front of my face and i put one hand in on my eyes "I didn't get to tell him..." i said quietly


Corey's p.o.v

We got Drew out but she passed out cold, i could see how exhausted she was. She had bags under her eyes and was more skinny then usual. She laid her head in my lap and shivered. I rubbed my hand on her arm, trying to make her more warm. I felt bad for her, she had been threw to much tonight. She slowly opened her red eyes and sat up, itching her nose. She looked around with big eyes and yawned. I smiled at her and she gave a small smile "Come on, lets get everyone up" she said while stretching.

I nodded and we woke everyone up. No one got up at first so we had to shake them more. I just slapped Feldman in the arm "Get up" i said bluntly. He glared at me and i smirked. Eventually we got everyone into the car and began driving off.

I looked over at Drew who was leaning on the window, she had a small smile on her face. I knew she had always loved the night sky.

"I love you" i said putting my head on her shoulder "I love you too" she said and i fell asleep, happy it was all over.


Drew's p.o.v

"Would you hold still!" i said out to Sheila as she squirmed while i was giving her a bath. A piece of hair fell out of my ponytail in front of my face "Sheila!" i yelled as she jumped out of the bubble bath and started running around the house. I scrambled up and started chasing her around. She zoomed off and i paused,

I grabbed her collar off the counter and followed the trail of bubbles to the closet. I smirked and flung the door open. She barked and i put the collar on her "Gotcha" i smiled and she put her head down and did a dog groan or whatever.

I laughed "Nice try though" i winked and dragged her back downstairs. As i finished bathing her she ran out to the rug and started rolling trying to dry herself on it. I laughed and shook my head.

Everything has been perfect. We are all in peace and can sleep fine knowing that Scuff is gone. It's only been a few months but i still feel like it's been forever with Corey. My dad was moved to a different prison because they were out of space and needed more. Even though he hurt me, i still miss him. You don't stop loving someone so easily

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