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I finished on set and walked into the break room exhausted, i thought we were gonna only film the first scene but we didn't, instead we filmed 3 more scenes. I sat down on the couch with a water bottle and chugged it down. This was taking up a lot of my energy. I was ready to go home and sleep but Feldman and Heather walked in laughing "Hey Corey, we are going out for some beers wanna join?" Feldman asked. I gave him a 'i don't know' look

"I'm kinda tired guys, we have been on set since this morning" i said throwing my bottle away "So what? Come on man" he edged, i looked at him and he nodded towards Heather who was grinning at me "Nah, i think i'm gonna go check up on Drew, she seemed sick.." i said and Feldman rolled his eyes and Heathers grin dropped "Who's Drew?" she said disgusted. I scoffed "Drew, is my girlfriend and someone i love a lot and wouldn't cheat on with you" i snapped and pushed between her and Feldman and walked out the door. I paused and turned back to Feldman "See ya around pal" i said and continued out the door.


I pulled into my house and walked over to Drew's. I'm hoping she is feeling better and not so worried and jumpy. I opened the door and saw her mom talking to mine on the couch. I smiled "Hey" i said and they looked at me "Hey Corey, we were just talking about how you got the star role in that movie" Aurora smiled. I smiled too "Yea, hey is, uh, Drew still here?" i asked and Aurora huffed "Yes, she is doing another room project though" she said shaking her head and stirring the liquid in her cup, which i was guessing was tea. I nodded and started upstairs

As i approached the door i heard a groan in frustration. I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed with her hands in her face. She had papers scattered all over with drawing on them. But one caught my eye, it was a drawing of a girl

with all black eyes.

That's when i realized that something was wrong

I walked over to it and folded it quietly so she would see. I looked around some more and saw a new art piece over her bed, it was a hand holding a globe. The drawing was splashing with colors. I looked at her book shelf and saw on the side of it, the quote 'Are you who you want to be?'

I looked at her, she fell backward on her bed and was now looking at her ceiling with her hands on her head "Why does this have to be so hard?" she asked herself "I don't really know" i shrugged and she jumped. I chuckled a bit and sat next to her "I like what you've done with with the place" i said and she smiled a bit

"How was the set" she asked, turning to me "It was fun, but i was exhausted after. Feldman and the girl we have in the movie wanted me to come with them and get some beers but i turned them down. I was worried about you" i said and she frowned "I'm fine Corey you can go with your friends" she said but i shook my head "I would rather be with you though" i whined.

She chuckled and shook her head "Come 'ere" she said patting next to her. I laid next to her and she wrapped her arms around my waist. I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. Happily, we fell asleep in each others arms


Drew's p.o.v

I woke up breathing heavily, i had the same dream again. I lifted up my shirt and saw another burn mark on my stomach "That's impossible.." i whispered to myself. How was i getting these marks just by dreaming them? I huffed and swung my legs off my bed and looked out the window. I saw a note on Corey's window. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to my window, opening it so i can read it.

'Meet me at my set. Love you baby girl'

I smiled and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a oversized, white knit-sweater and some grey leggings. After i put that on i slipped on my white shoes and plaited my hair, it came out messy but it was cute. I looked at myself one more time before walking downstairs. My mom was sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee. I joined her and had a cup of coffee with my mom

"Do you get night terrors dear?" she asked me. I shuttered "Sometimes" i couldn't lie to my mom. But how come i could lie to Corey? "Well, if you have another, please tell me." she said and looked at me. I smiled at her "Okay mum" i said and closed my eyes as she kissed my forehead "That's my baby girl, hey i can tell you need to go somewhere so have fun" she smiled putting her dish in the sink. I nodded "Oh, um can i go to a party on Saturday?" i asked. She nodded and smiled, walking into her room.

I huffed and finished my coffee, I placed the mug in the sink and turned around, leaning against the counter. I rushed upstairs and dialed Feldman's phone. He didn't answer but his voicemail made me regret this weekend

"Heyo! This is Corey Feldman!" faintly in the background you could hear "And Corey Haim!". I chuckled "We are probably out together, soooo call back later!" he said "True!" Corey yelled out and the speaker beeped

I felt sadness and regret how we weren't telling Corey about tomorrow night, so.. I prepared a note

"Corey, you may be confused why i'm not home. I am at a party... With Scuff, he will be holding a gun to Feldman's head and i thought this was my chance. I am gonna have Scuff in jail... Don't get mad, just meet me at this address. I Love you. Goodnight."

I folded the not and hid it in my dresser. I dialed Feldman again and this time he answered "Hurry up, i'm late for set" he said "It's a go, my mom said yes. We are gonna put him in jail" i said and he huffed "Alright, look i gotta go. Corey is here" he said and hung up. I huffed and set the phone down back on it's set. I turned to my mirror and smiled small "Okay, let's get to the set..." i said like i was working there or something. I laughed pathetically at myself and walked downstairs.


I grabbed a beer and a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Jesus i have so many lighters. As i left the store I put a cigarette in my mouth and lit it. When i walked out something caught my eye, a flask. With a globe on them....

I walked over to it slowly, blowing smoke out of my nose. I crouched down by it and opened it, I dumped it out, a flower and a note. I opened the note and inhaled smoke.

'I filled my world with death, But thank you for making me feel special and happy. You were the first person that ever talked to me...'

I grabbed the flask and filled it with cigarettes. A single tear fell down my face.

Lost Boy (Corey Haim)Where stories live. Discover now