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After a few hours of drawing, thinking of NeverLand and eating, i got a phone call directed to my room. I picked it up taking a bite out of my apple "Hello?" i asked chewing on the apple "Hey it's Corey" he said and i smiled "Hey, what's up?" i asked "Do you want to go somewhere with me? A party?" he asked. Oh my god. What did he say? A party? this is not. No

"Umm..." i said "Please?" he begged "Fine.. But I'm not wearing a dress" i sighed "Yes! Thank you! Look we only have to stay there for a few minutes" he said and i sighed "You are so lucky you're my friend" i groaned "Meet you at 12 at the bottom of your window" he said and hung up. I cringed. What was i gonna wear? I snuck into the room remembering there is boxes that have clothes in them from when my mom was younger

I found a back shirt and some high wasted pants that had a hole in the knee. I found a old flannel that wrapped up a picture. It was a picture of my mom wearing the outfit i was going to. I smiled at ran my thumb over her. I looked at the time. 11:30. I let out a breathe and walked upstairs. I got dressed and let my hair fall. I looked over at my window and saw Corey wearing a black tee-shirt and jeans. His hair was kinda spiked. Was it more of a punk party. I quickly dialed his number "Hey... what kind of party is this?' i asked immediately "Um... More of a punk and grunge party" he said and i nodded "Got it" is said. I looked at my outfit and took a deep breathe. I walked into my closet and I put a leather jacket that i had no idea i had and looked at myself again. Okay.. let's do this.

I flipped my hair and made it a bit more wild looking and put on some eyeliner. Surprisingly i did good. I heard a tap at my window and saw a pebble hit it. I opened the window and looked down. Corey waved me down. I nodded and looked at my door. I locked it and ran back over to the window. I climbed down my wall and jumped down when i could and not get hurt

I dusted myself off and looked at Corey. His jaw was dropped and he looked at me up and down "Come on before my parents come out" i chuckled pushing him and chuckling. He started walking but did a double take on my as i pushed him.

We ran over his car and jumped in "Is this your first party?" i asked nervously and he nodded "Corey Feldman invited me but i only went to fix up some business" he said pulling out of the neighborhood "What business?" i asked and he gulped "Nothing, listen.. I know about these parties okay? Try your best to act... 'Grunge and Punk'" he said doing finger quotes when he said 'grunge and punk' "Also don't take any drink from anyone okay? Just make your own... Put beer in it or water. Water looks like vodka right?" he asked nervously. I chuckled "How am i supposed to know?" i said and he let out a breathe "We are screwed" he laughed nervously "I know"


We stepped into a big house that had people everywhere as No Diggity played "I will be right back okay" Corey said and kissed my temple. I tensed up and he walked away. Oh my god he kissed me. Someone kissed me that wasn't my mom. Holy..

I snapped out of my thoughts and took a deep breathe. Some randoms girl came up to me and dragged me into the dance floor. They began dancing the same and i realized the dance they were doing. I joined in on them and smirked as a circle formed around us. I know it seems strange but i'm dancing with girls i don't know in a random party. I felt my blood began to rush. I flung my leather jacket off and saw Corey talking to Feldman at the counter. He looked at the circle and saw me. His jaw dropped and Feldman turned around and faced me and the two other girls and his face copied Corey's.

We finished the little dance and I tied my flannel around my waist. I turned to them and high fived them. They looked at me shocked "You aren't Cat?" they said and i shook my head slowly. One of them dropped there jaw "Oh my god that's Drew! In literature!" She yelled "I'm Bratty and this is Casey" Bratty said i waved "Hi, You guys are good" i nodded out of breathe "So are you! You should join our team!" she said "Team? Give me you guy's numbers later and i will call" i winked. They nodded and laughed as i walked off. When did i get this much confidence? I walked to the other side of the counter Corey and Feldman were at. I poured what i'm guessing was beer into a red cup and took a sip.

They didn't say anything just stared at me with the same expression on there face. I smiled at them "What?"

"How did you--" Corey couldn't even finish his sentence "Wow" he said dreamily and i blushed "I didn't even know you were that talented? I mean you are Drew Bee! Lost Girl" he said like Corey's nickname 'Lost Boy'. I raised my eyebrows and my eyes widened. Corey clenched his jaw and slowly turned to Feldman "Sorry..." he said nervously. Corey shook his head and i took another drink of the beer "I need some air" i said shaking my head and walking out into the back yard. I walked around with the cup in my hand looking around at everyone.

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me forcefully. I thought it was my dad but it wasn't. It was Scuff. I began screaming but he put his hand over my mouth and i felt cold metal on my temple "You really wanna do that?" he slurred and chuckled. I was dragged to the side of house and he played with my bra strap. I screamed from under his hand and felt the tears drop out a my eyes.

He had a gun to my head.

He quickly turned and faced me putting the gun to my forehead "On your knees" he said. I choked out a sob and got on my knees. I don't wanna go like this "P-Please" i begged "Shut up!" he yelled and stumbled a bit. He's drunk..

"You are done for" he said pulling the hammer back on the black revolver. I squeezed my eyes shut "Drew!" i heard someone yell. I opened my eyes and looked over and saw Corey and Feldman running over to me. I rolled out of the way right as he shot the gun "Feldman go!" Corey yelled lifting my shaking body up. Feldman punch Scuff right in the temple knocking him out "Grab the gun. Go, come on." Corey whispered to me. I quick;y picked up the gun and began sprinting. We jumped into the car and sped off. I bounced the gun in my hand "W-What do i do with it?!" I yelped "Um, uh.. Put it in the glove box!" he yelled opening the glove box but keeping his eyes on the road

We caught our breathe and i was shaking "Two things Corey.." i said and I looked at him "One.. We are never going to a punk party again and Two" i paused and looked at him

"What was your business?"

Lost Boy (Corey Haim)Where stories live. Discover now