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I began regretting trying with Corey again. But i haven't had any signs of pregnancy, which kinda made me happy but sad. I couldn't get over the fact i lost a child. I was walking down the street when I saw a familiar face running towards me. It was Jonathan, he was running from a 2 older guys. Once he approached me, he grabbed my arm and dragged me with him "Come on" he said yanking me a bit, He looked back and swooped me up "Woah!" i said as he began running harder.

I put my arms around his shoulders and watched as the guys stopped when he cut into the woods. He carried me until we reached a tree, i felt the rain start to pour on me

"Go, Go up there" he waved me up a ladder. He followed behind me. I climbed into a treehouse that seemed a bit old. He climbed in after me and shut the door on the bottom. I shivered because of the cold rain. He looked at me and opened a chest, handing me a green blanket. I smiled and nodded. He sat criss cross on the other wall in front of me

We sat in a silence for a bit till i broke it "I thought you were angry at me.." i said and he shook his head "No just jealous" he said normally. I looked at him "Why?" i asked him

"Because he can do things i can't" he said holding his knees. I gulped "He can hold your hand" he said looking at the ground. My cheeks burning. I sighed "Jonathan I--"

"I'm not done" he almost snapped "He can hold you" he sighed "Comfort you when you are scared" he looked at me "Poke those dimples" he said scooting a bit. I drew my lips in a line "Squeeze your cheeks" he said scooting more and tapping my jaw. I gulped "He can kiss you.." he said leaning in. I didn't move. I couldn't.

He pecked my lips once and then kissed me again but longer. His lips were different from Corey's. It was a soft but rough kiss. One to drive a girl crazy i admit, but not me.

I pulled back and he scooted back quickly "Sorry... I couldn't hold that back anymore" He leaned his head on the chest and sighed. I sat next to him "Tell me about this place.." i said nudging him and putting my chin on his shoudler, he sighed "My dad would take me up here. Teaching me everything i know today. You know what the is?" he asked looking at me "Not to get close to people, cause they will find out" he said, his eyes tearing up

"Finding out what?" i asked silently "That he hit's me. That he taught me to lie, steal and cheat. That he was my first time. An unwanted time. That he tried to kill me" he said clinching his fist and choking out a sob "Did you know that? I bet you didn't because Corey has you wrapped around his finger. Bet you didn't know i had a rope around my neck" he yelled. Causing me to flinch. I knew what he meant by that and i gulped

"But, now i don't have a home. Just this and my fighting" he shrugged and wiped his eyes. "What about the apartment?" i asked and he rolled his eyes "Got kicked out, they thought i was doing drugs" he sighed and I stood up in front of him "Come on... You can live with us for a while" his face drained "No.... I can't" he said and i smiled "Then let's go have fun" i said grabbing his hand. He hesitated at first but when i looked back at him and smiled, he nodded and followed me out.


We ran and hid in a bush while a man opened his door and groaned. It was the fifth time we ditched the same person. He ran in front of a apartment that was having a party and looked at me with a smile, raising his arms. He ran into the house and i laughed "Wait up!"

I ran into the house and Jonathan grabbed me and dragged my to the dance floor. Settle down by the 1975 was playing and we screamed out the lyrics.

After about 2 more hours of partying, Jonathan was trashed. I didn't want him to get hurt or do anything, so i walked him back to my house. As i opened the door Corey jumped up "Where have you been!" he yelled and i stuck my head back "Sorry.. Who's he?" he asked and i sighed "Get him to the couch" i said and he did as i said "Why is there a drunk guy on my couch" he chuckled and i did to "This drunk guy saved me from paparazzi, and we became friends. He has a rough past" i said and flashes of what happened in the tree house.

I turned to Corey my mouth partial open "As long he didn't make a move"

Oh shit

Ohh Shit

I sighed "Nah, Now i'm tired, take my to the bedroom" i said flinging my arm out "Speaking of that, are you preggers?" he asked and i sighed "I haven't had any signs of it yet... But i will take a test tomorrow" i yawned and Corey fell onto the bed with me. I almost passed out cold but Corey spoke up

"Drew?" he asked and i groaned in response "Are we still married?" he asked and i grabbed the necklace and raised it "Yes" i said and he pulled me into his body. I wasn't facing him "Okay" he said and kissed the back of my jaw "Go to sleep horny boy" i groaned and he laugh "Sure think baby girl" he said and i groaned "Good"


I woke up to the sound of laughing coming from the kitchen. I was wearing Corey's knit shirt's that went above my knee and the sleeves ended at my elbows, well, scrunched up that is.

I jumped up and stood in the doorway. Jonathan who was only wearing sweatpants and his flannel, Corey almost matching, He had on sweatpants.. That's it.

I gulped, i never thought i would wake up to two guys in my kitchen. Corey and Jonathan started cracking up "I didn't think i would ever wake up to a guy in a kitchen i didn't recognize" Jonathan joked and i fake laughed "Oh haha" i said and Corey smiled at me and put bacon in his mouth. I sat next to Jonathan and Sheila jumped up into the seat next to me "You want some food?" Corey asked me showing me bacon. I nodded but he shoved it into his mouth. Jonathan laughed and poked his food "Only Sheila understands me" i said leaning on her and they laughed

"Yea we know" they joked and i glared at them "I could eat alphabet soup and shit out a better comeback then that" i laughed grabbing bacon and they oohed. I mimicked them and put the bacon in my mouth. I grabbed the milk and sniffed it but cringing afterwords "Ew, Corey when did you last buy milk?" i asked and he shrugged "Is it bad i don't remember?" he said tugging his bottom lip down revealing his bottom row of teeth.

"Corey, yes, that is bad" i laughed and so did he

"Not it!" i yelled

"Not it!" Corey yelled and Jonathan raised his hands with eggs in his mouth "I wasn't ready!" he yelled and i pointed at him and laughed. He pouted "I don't even like milk why do i have to go!" he said frowning and i gasped "COW JUICE HATER!" I yelled and ran off with Sheila "You are weird!" Corey yelled and i smiled at him "You betcha!"

Lost Boy (Corey Haim)Where stories live. Discover now