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I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I poked my head out the window and smiled at the sight of Corey looking around the bed smiling. Maybe he actually loves me. He looked at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and pointed to my bra "Gimme" i said. He chuckled and got up. I laughed and covered my eyes "Not you were doing last night" he joked under his breathe. I let out another laugh and he put my bra in my face, i snatched it from his hands and he puckered his lips.

I gave him a quick kiss "I love you" he said and i smiled "I love you too" i said and shut the door slowly. I put my bra on and looked around. I was missing my underwear. I stuck my head out and saw Corey with his underwear and some sweat pants on. I stepped out and ran over to my dresser, quickly putting on some black underwear

"That is-- You-- rude" Corey glared. I turned my head around and winked "You just wanna ruin me" he said and i nodded "Pretty much, hand me the white shirt in the hamper please" i chuckled and he opened up the hamper, pulling out a white shirt "Hey isn't this mine?" he asked walking over to me "Yes" i laughed, He held the shirt out like he was gonna put it on my so i put my arms up, he put the shirt over my head. When my head appeared i gave him a quick kiss.

I put on my black leggings and adjusted the bracelet and hair tie on my wrist. I put my hair behind my ear and walked out of the room.

As i went downstairs i saw my mom tiredly walking back into her room with her coffee mug in her hand. I put a pan on the stove and pulled two eggs out from the fridge. When i was younger my dad taught me a trick to make eggs, you add this strange seasoning and making them taste five-times better. I miss when my dad would hold me while he would cook food or something. I felt some sadness rush over me. As i scrapped the eggs and reached down to grab some seasoning i felt Corey put his arms around me and pull me a bit. I smiled small and he put his chin on my head "I forgot to tell you that i got a role in a movie with Feldman" he said and i raised my eyebrows

"That's great!" i said excitedly but deep down i was really upset "We finished high school and you already are starting your dream" i chuckled. He nodded and i put the eggs on a plate and set them down in front my me "I'm so sore" i groaned as i took a bite of eggs. I felt my stomach start to feel queazy as i poured some coffee. Corey laughed "I bet you are" he joked and i shot him a glare. I took a sip of my coffee and dazed off. I saw flashes my me with black eyes again and my dad hovering over me. Without paying attention i spit my coffee out of my mouth

"Drew!" Corey exclaimed and stood up grabbing some napkins "What's wrong" he asked wiping my mouth. I put my hand on his wrist and stopped him "Yea.. Just really hot" i lied. Stop lying.

"I'm okay" i lied again. Stop it!.

He nodded slowly "Okay.. But yea my movie part is this guy named Les" he chuckled small but i was dazed off a bit "You sure okay Drew? You seem out of it, and you are burning up..." he said putting his hand on my forehead "Probably just the heat of the coffee" I lied, i was sweating from being so scared "I gotta go okay.. Please rest today" he said and kissed my forehead. I nodded slowly and he walked out the kitchen door. Moments later i heard the main door slam shut.

As soon as i did i rushed to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and threw up. It wasn't morning sickness, it was to early for that and we used protection. The memories of Scuff and his gang dropping cigarettes over me flashed in my mind and i threw up again "What is wrong with me" i groaned. I stumbled upstairs and fell onto my bed. I curled up in a ball and let out a breathe. I closed my eyes and let the sleep come over me

Corey's p.o.v

I don't know what is wrong with Drew but i'm really worried. I feel like she's lying to me. I shook my thought and took a drink of my beer as i pulled into the set of the movie i will be working on. I saw Feldman eating while they gave him a hair cut. I laughed and hoped out of the car. He looked over at me an the hair dresser got mad, he jumped up and ran over to me. We hit shoulders and i hit his back "Who's that?" i asked pointing to a girl reading her script. Probably Mercedes.

She wasn't close to being as beautiful as Drew "That is Heather Graham, or as you will know, Mercedes Lane" he said like she was the best person in the world "Hot right?" he asked and i cringed a bit "Drew seem... More real to me" i shrugged and Feldman groaned "Man you need to understand that there are other girls then that gun maniac" he said and i furrowed my eyebrows at him, confused by why he called her 'gun maniac'.

I shrugged it off and smirked when i saw the food table. I rushed over to it while Feldman went back to the hair lady. She was pretty annoyed which annoyed Feldman. It made me laugh at how comfortable he had already got with the people. I chuckled as i shoveled chips into my mouth. I felt a tap on my shoulder an turned around with chips in my mouth and my hands.

Heather was right there with a smirk on her lips. She looked me up and down and i shoved the rest of the chips in my mouth "Hi" i said coughing chips on the ground. She laughed and i smiled awkwardly, how was she not disgusted by that?

"I'm not disgusted because one of the actors here is a real asshole" she said and nodded to a guy. Who was staring me down. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and cocked my head back, Heather laughed at that and shook her head "She is my boyfriend in the movie in the beginning but i dump him, as you know" she said rocking her head back and forth laughing awkwardly. The director called us over and i rushed over to him. He talked us over the script and told us about what we were gonna be doing in the first scene.

We drove over to the set and a old school bus waiting there, I chuckled at the dirty old school bus and Feldman put his arm around me "Where you along pall" he joked. I chuckled and looked at him, he had his sunglasses on and his hair combed "Yea? And that's were you belong" i said nodding my head to the old bike he had to ride later on the movie. We laughed as the director pointed to the bus "Come on Corey, we ain't got all day" he said and i laughed one more time before rushing over to the nasty old bus

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