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a/n: hii! this chapter will again have small mentions of ed. most chapters will have tiny mentions, but i'll still put it to make sure!

y/n's pov
i woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring, like always. i looked in the mirror to see how i felt, depending on how i thought i looked. id always look in the morning. if i felt alright i'd wear less makeup, and my clothes would be less baggy. today was not one of those days. i put on a purple tee and charcoal proclubs. i walked down and filled my bottle with water, and started chewing gum.
"ma ya me voy!" i say
"okay mija que te pase un buen día" she replies

i make my way to my car. connecting my phone to bluetooth and turning on music. i'm not sure why but today felt different, like i didnt absolutely dread going to school today like i always did. maybe i was getting better. i smiled to myself at this.

diego's pov
i was with kevin and joão. like always. they wouldn't get off my ass because i said one girl was pretty. its not like i wanted to marry her or anything. i just noticed her, and it was rare for me to notice a girl and think she was pretty. i didn't care that much though. them on the other hand, they were non-stop trying to get us together, even though she looked completely uninterested.
"cmon at least TRY diego" joão says
"yeah pelón you could pull her easily." kevin says ruffling my hair
"i dont care if it would be easy or not. she just caught my eye just get off my dick. don't you guys have better things to worry about?" i say slightly annoyed by the two
"idk kev do we?" joão asks sarcastically
"i dont think we do. hm. what a shame" kevin says shrugging, shaking his head. i responded by rolling my eyes. i mean yeah, she was cute but i didn't wanna get at her, she just caught my eye.

time skip to 4th period

i was getting pushed around before walking into the class by kevin and joão.
"ready to see you're girlfrienddd" joão says
"ya callate el hocico. she's not my girlfriend." i reply dryly
"damn no need to get aggressive" joão says putting his hands up in defense
"i dont even want her like that just leave it alone." i say. i was honestly pretty upset. i was getting tired of it. i just shrugged it off though. id give them another week then they'd be onto some new topic.

we walked in and there she was. it's weird because ever since the day i called her cute, it's like i've seen her everywhere. before that she was invisible.

"go try and talk to her" kevin says pushing my shoulder
"yeahh get yourself a girl diegoo" joão says in agreement to kevin
"if i do will you guys shut the fuck up?" i say
"yes" they reply in unison
i get up and make my way over to her desk. there was an empty seat next to her so i sat.
"heyy" i started
"hi." she replied dryly
"soo how are you?" i asked trying to start the conversation
"i'm good. do you need anything?" she asks rudely, i would do the same though. i was probably bothering her
"no uhh sorry. my friends told me to come and talk to you. can you act interested? if you do this probably won't ever happen again, i swear." i say in a sorta begging tone
"oh yeah of course." she says nodding her head, resting her chin on her face.
"not on some weird shit but, can i, uh, get your insta? so they can stop bothering me about you?" i say tilting my head towards kevin and joão, so she knows who "they" is
"yeah gimme ur phone." she says
i hand her my phone with instagram opened. she types in her user and hands it back to me
"alright thanks. i promise i'll try not to bother you as much anymore. thanks again" i say
she nods her head and smiles, looking towards kevin and joão.

i walk back to kevin and joão and i see them slapping each other around, acting like teenage girls in the 2000s seeing justin bieber.
"so how'd it go??" joão asks
"yeah i saw your phone in her hands. did you get her number?!" kevin says
"i got her insta. you guys are literal children you know that?" i say rolling my eyes
"alright well this "child" basically just got you a girls insta so i would shut up." joão says smiling proudly
"yeah whatever. don't forget i was the one that asked" i reply
"whateverr" kevin says ruffling my hair
time skip
it was now the end of the day and i was walking over to my car with kevin and joão. we drove together since we all had practice.
as were walking i see y/n in the car next to me. suddenly i feel a shove and my hair being ruffled.
"there's your girll" kevin says. i roll my eyes in response.
we get to my car and i smile and wave to her. she waves back and smiles.
we enter the car and joão and kevin loose their minds
"diegoo you're gonna get a girl soon" joão says
"no i wont. get off my dick already damnn" i say rolling my eyes again
"yeah whatever you'll see" says kevin as we drive away to practice.

a/n: woop woop second chapter doneee! i cannot lie i have not a clue how this story is gonna go, i started it about 6 months ago but completely abandoned it so i forgot all my plans for it 🥲 we will get somewhere tho guys!! anywaysss i hope you all enjoyed! have a great day/night i lovvee youuu 💗🎀

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