Chapter 5; The Saddest Fear.

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Chapter 5; The Saddest Fear.

Read Authors Note at the end.

Dedicated to my Nattie, for inspiring me and prompting me to follow my heart and let the unkindness of all my ravens fly free onto my page like a comet from the sky.

"So who's the guy?" Ayyub asked, after our battle of the milkshakes, which, by the way, I won (In your face pretty boy).

"He's just a guy." I mumbled, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

"Oh come on it's never 'just a guy'. I've seen enough movies to figure that out. Does he know?" He asked, sitting back and popping a chip in his mouth.

"No." I mumbled. By this time I reckon I was probably in competition with a tomato.

A ridiculous smirk began to take presence on his oh-so-perfect face, which began to unnerve me.

"Can you stop doing that!" I snapped.

"Doing what?" He questioned, with mischievous glint in his eyes. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"


After that, silence took over, he sat there staring at me whilst I sat there staring at anything but him.

"Why's it so easy with you?"

His question broke the silence; there was something very odd in his tone which caused me to face him.

"What do you mean?" was all I could reply.

"I've only known you for a few days, but I feel like I can confine every last miserable detail of my life to you." He replied, but it was more to himself than to me.

I didn't know how to respond, so I did what I do best and remained silent.

"I -" He was cut off by the voices of three people I really could've done without seeing this afternoon.

"Hey Faye! Where did you skip off to this afternoon?" Lola was always the first to speak, which would make sense seeing as Nora was yet to stop gaping at Ayyub.


"She was helping out a friend in need." Ayyub replied for me, his tone turning so icy it could have frozen the whole darn place.

Alexis looked him up and down, clearly trying to figure out who the hell he was.

"Well we're all heading over to Lu's house, you coming?" Nora asks, after finally managing to get over her gaping of Ayyub.

My eyes dart over to him, and he gives me a slight tilt of the head telling me to go.

"I'll call ya later Soph." He called as he disappeared around the corner.


I had skilfully avoided an questions about the beautiful boy I had been sitting across a mere few hours ago, that was until the dreaded mandatory 'boy talk' that always somehow creeped up into our little girly evenings.

Nora and Nayra were sprawled across the carpet of Lola's room taking one of those relationship quizzes in Teen Now, Alexis laid flat on her back furiously texting one of her many admirers, whilst Lola and I were browsing through her CD collection trying to find the perfect album to set the mood.

"Oh my God Faye! You always play Demi Lovato!"

"Oh come on Lola, you know you secretly love it!" I cooed as I continued browsing.

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