meet the boys

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*3rd person pov*



reporter in station" last night was an eventful night for the 7. not only did they get a new member. but they were attacked by the first super villain who go's by the name black light. we now go live to reporter josh shmit on the seen right now"

we see vought Tower physically damaged by a massive whole caused by the helicopter crash

we then cut to a news reporter on the ground just out side the Tower

josh" thanks goodman. as you can see the Tower is under repair and if you look closely you can actually see what's left of the helicopter and some of the desk where by that massive whole. here are some reports from some civilians"

civilian 1" it was pritty scary. I first say this guy literally run up the Tower then shortly after he was kicking homelanders ass"

civilian 2" hope they can find this guy he look really dangerous"

next was a group of biker's

biker 1" man (beep) this anit American mother (beep)"

biker 2" if he thinks for a second he's getting away with this then he's dead wrong"

biker 3" if this (beep) even torches a member of the seven again then ill (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) this dude right is his little (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) with my 12 gauge shotgun"

we then get some report from the 7 them selves

A train" I hered the Tower was under attack so I ran as fast as I could and saw that chopper come down. my thoughts and prairs go to the familys of those brave men"

the next was from translucent

translucent" we're currently struggling with what information we can get on black light so far

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translucent" we're currently struggling with what information we can get on black light so far. but we're getting closer each hour. but if anyone has any information on where we might be able to find this terrorist then please tell us and we'll mail you a check for $6000."

next statement was from Queen maeve

next statement was from Queen maeve

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