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warning short

*annie/starlight pov*

After what just happened I felt kinda like shit so I just went to find a quiet place to be alone

(y/n)" annie"

not now

I slowly turned to him. he looked almost. relieved

(y/n)" lissan I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to. but what you did was. inspiration"

I looked at him confused

(y/n)" I know I'm not a licenced therapist but I'm as qualified as one. I can tell your hurt. your sceard, your confused and that's normal. it's in human nature to feel all of that. now I know I may not be the best friend but-"

not best friend my Ass

annie" shut it"

I cut him off

annie" don't saw that about your self. I know you don't view yourself as a good person but. your a lot to me. your more then just a friend"

we slowly started walking towards each other

(y/n)" I can happily say I feel the same. yes why me im just a guy with nothing"

annie" I dont give a dame what you got. your a good person. you cear. LOVE YOU"

I imitately covered my mouth after I realised what I just said and how it shocked him

annie" let's just. pretend I never said that and forgot it happened"

(y/n)" you know the sitcom thing to do would be for me to kiss you. but I'd like to ask for your consent first"

wate he. he loves me two?

annie" well then. consent given. now kiss me"

we both pulled each other in and smashed our lips together

After about 2 minutes we separated

annie" so we're officiall now?"

(y/n)" yeah of course we are"

yes. I 🏆 win🏆 maeve

I kissed him again this time deeper. getting my tongue under his

his arms wrapped around my body as we both pulled each other closer

annie" you. me bed. now"

(y/n)" you wanna drive back to my place.or"

annie" no. here. in my tent. we won't be disturbed. now you do have a rubber do you"

(y/n)" I mean I have one in my wallet"

annie" get rid of it. it ruins the fun for you. I've got birth control"

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