rivalry for a virus

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*annie/starlight pov*

I was wating in the hospital for any news on (y/n). so far they say it looks like a heart attack

God a heart attack. he's not fucking 70 or morbidity obice

then a doctor walked out from (y/n)'s room

then a doctor walked out from (y/n)'s room

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annie" is he ok?"

doctor" oh he'll be fine we can say it was a minor heart attack not enough to cause any lasting or serious damage but he will need to be on some medication for a few days"

ok ok he'll be fine

I let out a sigh of relief

annie" can he have visitors?"

doctor" well he's not awake yet. but just don't tutch him or any of the equipment"

I noded, stood up and walked in

(y/n) was in a hospital bed with about 2 hose like things in his arms along with something down his nose

annie" hey. I dont know if you can here me but. your going to be fine"

part of me wanted to kiss him on the cheek.but I knew I couldn't

so I just left him some flowers and a card telling him to get well soon

annie" goodbye for now. I'll see you again tomorrow"

I hesitately left and walked to the door when it all of a sudden opened reveling someone

annie" oh um hi"

Queen maeve" hello"

annie" what are um you doing here?"

Queen maeve" I came to see I he was awake yet"

annie" he's not. unfortunately. but he's expected to make a full recovery"

Queen maeve" ok that's good. so what's your relationship with him?"

I was a little shocked by her question but chose to answer as she crossed her arms

annie" he's my boyfriend"

Queen maeve" so. you two are dating?"

annie" yeah. why does that matter?"

Queen maeve" im just saying. maybe he could do. better"

annie" what. is that. suppose to mean?!"

Queen maeve" maybe he'd prefer a girl with more. flear then you"

Holy shit she's fucking jealous

I smirked

annie" is the queen jealous?"

she blushed

queen maeve" no!"

annie" well. then why would you cear who my boyfriend date's"

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