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*(y/n) pov*

whilst butcher and the others were at the stadium to steal some compound V I was asked to act like an emergency destruction incase it was needed

(insert your ring tone)

oh. Well what a nice surprise.starlights calling. strange I thought she'd be at the race

I picked up my phone and answered

(y/n)" hello miss January how my I be of assistance?"

annie" look can we drop the formalities? and just call me annie. (y/n)"

(y/n)" ok if your more comfortable with that. how my I help?"

annie" do you mind if we talk tomorrow?"

(y/n)" of course not .what time?"

annie" let's say. 4 pm"

(y/n)" works for me. where?"

annie" there's a nice steak plate not far from broken bridge if that's OK with you?"

(y/n)" yeah thats fine"

oh god is she asking me out?

(y/n)" ok ill see you then"

annie" ok thanks. bye"

After she hung up I calld butcher

(y/n)" hey you got the V yet?"

billy" no. cunts hid it better then a fucking Easter egg"

(y/n)" piss. ok well worst case scenario we go back to popclaw to steal some from her. but tomorrow I'm kinda busy. hot my own little spy work I've gotta get done"

billy" fine but be back soon we may need some black light powers"

(y/n)" got ya boss. also one more thing. try investigating in some more fire power for hughie and a small range. so hes more then just a smart gut. I'll send you a link to some cheap surplus fire arms"

billy" alright ill take a look. thanks"

he hung up and I quickly sent him the link before going back to helping them steal A trains V

with in a few seconds I saw he bought 4 new fire arms. 1 pistol and 3 rifles. my gess the small rifle and the pistol were for hughie

 my gess the small rifle and the pistol were for hughie

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