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The war was going great for the demigods. The demigods and gods were hacking and slashing at anything that came their way. Jason was striking random monsters with lightning, Piper was Charm-speaking some monsters into killing themselves, Frank was shooting monsters with arrows, Hazel was riding Arion into battle, stabbing and slashing at anything she could. Leo ran around lighting monsters with fire, hyper from skittles. Annabeth was shouting battle strategies at the seven, while slashing monsters with her new drakon bone sword. Percy, well Percy had his own mini-hurricane surrounding him. He stood in the center and was spinning into battle. He made his way towards Gaea, leaving monster dust in his wake. When he past a member of the seven, he would stop, and they would join him in the center of his hurricane. His hurricane kept getting bigger,and bigger, it was enough to destroy a Giant. Soon, all of the seven were in the middle of the hurricane and were destroying anything in their path. Suddenly, a spear flew into the center, and was about to hit Hazel, but Frank stepped in the way, and the spear imbedded itself into his stomach. Hazel knew what she had to do. She handed Frank his life stick and tended to the wound, she hacked anything that came close, that is, until a vial of Greek Fire was hurdled at Percy, she blocked it and it spread over her body, burning her to nothingness. Frank reached out and with one touch, his life stick caught on fire and they died together. Five of the Seven grieved over their friends, making their attacks stronger. An arrow flew at Piper and Jason intercepted it. It flew straight into his heart. He looked at Piper for one last time and died. Piper screamed and the monsters around her responded to her anger, killing themselves in the process. A Cyclopes ran at Piper and reached out to grab her, but Leo stepped in the way. He bonked the Cyclopes's head with a hammer, but the Cyclopes just grabbed him and drowned him in the river. The three, Percy, Piper, and Annabeth kept attacking, making their attacks stronger with the grief of their friends. A poisoned dagger, aimed at Annabeth's heart flew, but the wind blew it off course. It landed in Piper's shoulder and she died, but not before saying to Percy and Annabeth, "Go. Destroy Gaea for me. For us." Annabeth and Percy fought back-to-back. Anything that touched the tip of their swords died. But that grief laced victory only lasted a short while, when Gaea reached out and grabbed Annabeth by the neck. She snapped her neck and tossed her aside like a rag doll, before sinking back into the Earth. Tears in his eyes, Percy ran towards Annabeth and cradled her head. Annabeth looked up at him and smiled weakly.
"Seaweed brain. Remember. To kill something, you have to stab it in the heart, and get rid of its source of power. I love you. Brain. Live on., grieve...over me. I love you..."
And she died. Tears ran down the poor boy's face and he slowly rose to his full height. With one, mighty, wordless scream, he charged at the Giants, he killed them all, with the help from the gods, in seconds.
"Show yourself Gaea!!!" He screamed. Fire burned in his eyes. All the monsters left backed away. The few demigods that were left, which were only around twenty, backed away also. The gods stared at him in shock and fear in their eyes, a few even worry and concern.

Gaea slowly rose from the earth.
"You think you can defeat me little demigod? You puny mortal? Then come at me!"
"Argh!" Percy screamed and charged, running at the speed of light. He was a blur of hacks and stabs. He soon stopped. There stood Percy, scratched and bleeding, but Gaea was worse. Her left arm was missing, her armor dented and shredded. Cuts littered her arm, legs, and face.
"Please...have mercy. Please, Perseus."
"No! You killed my friends, you hurt me, not just physically, but mentally too! You have NO RIGHT TO ASK FOR MERCY WHEN YOU SHOW NONE!!! YOU NEED TO JUST GO DIE IN THE DEPTHS OF TARTARUS! LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN!!!"
With that the water in the air condensed. Lifting him off the ground. His eyes flashed red, before returning to Sea-Green. You could see a storm raging in them. Gaea was lifted off the ground as well, and Percy stabbed the goddess through the heart.
"Ahhhhh!!!" She screamed as she disintegrated.
Anger gone, replaced with despair, Percy no longer had the energy to balance himself. He fell from the air, 50meters high, and started falling quickly. Halfway down, he lost consciousness.
"Zeus! Save him!" Screamed Poseidon, Hestia, and surprisingly, Athena, Artemis, Hades, and Hera. Zeus controlled the air and Percy floated safely down and into his father's arms. His father cradled him to his chest, and whispered soothing words. The gods and goddesses flashed to Olympus. Once on Olympus, the gods and goddesses scrambled forward and surrounded Poseidon, who was still holding his son, close to his chest. All the gods and goddesses stared at the boy's sleeping face, which was scrunched up in pain, anger, and sadness. They watched as Apollo came forward and ran his hands over the sleeping boy's body. They watched his cuts heal, but never fade. They were reminders. They had too many memories. They would remain scars forever. They heard a few bones snap back in place, but some refused to be healed. Finally Apollo stopped.
"I am sorry, but he is pushing back my magic. He won't let me heal him fully. He wants to die."
" son..."
Hera waved her hand and a table appeared. Poseidon gently placed Percy on the table, and laid Percy's head on a pillow. He covered Percy's body with a blanket and gently kissed the boy's forehead. The gods and goddesses all made their way to their respective thrones and quietly started discussing how to reward the boy when he awoke. They decided to go check on Sally and Paul first.

Hermes flashed to Sally and Paul's house, only to find the walls smeared in blood, and find the couple lying dead on the floor, knives in their hearts. The thing surprising, however, was the small bump of Sally's stomach, signaling pregnancy and the knife through her stomach, destroying any chance the baby had of surviving. Hermes found a note on the table and found that it was directed to Perseus. He slipped the note on his pocket and snapped his fingers, making two coffins appear, the bodies inside. He flashed himself, and the coffins back to Olympus. The gods stared in shock, at the two coffins that had appeared at the side of the room. 'Sally' was engraved on one coffin and 'Paul' was engraved on the other. Poseidon cried over the loss of his love and everyone worried about how this would affect Percy.

Suddenly, a small groan, followed by a whimper was heard. Coming from the center of the throne room, where Percy was laid. Everyone rushed to his side and gasped as his eyes fluttered open, revealing his bright, unnatural but natural Sea-Green eyes, but broken and lost. Percy sat bolt upright, but gasped from the pain in his chest. I stood to the side, watching the whole thing, as soul after soul ran into my arms. I soon left when I saw Percy's eyes fix on me. I vanished to herd the souls I had collected from the war to the underworld. I am Thanatos, God of death. Those are the horrible deaths that were caused from the war.

A/N- So what did you think? Was it sad? I cried a bit writing this. Feel free to comment on anything, from spelling and grammar mistakes to what you did or didn't like. Until next time!

And read again!


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