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Percy POV

I shot bolt upright, panting and sweating. I was lying on a table in the center of the throne room, the gods surrounded me with worry and concern on their faces, but that was not what intrigued me. (I know, big word. Annabeth would be proud.) No. What intrigued me was the death god, Thanatos, in the corner of the room. He looked me directly in the eye with pity, before vanishing in a flash of light. The thoughts of the war suddenly came crashing upon me, and I doubled over in pain and sadness. I felt a hand on my back, soothing, reassuring. I straightened and swing my legs over the side of the table. I hopped off and looked at the gods, who all looked nervous and sad. I noticed two more coffins by the ones for the demigods who died in battle. Although, these coffins were decorated differently and pushed separated from the other ones. I pointed to the two coffins and voiced my thoughts. "Who is that for?"
They all looked down guiltily. "I will tell him." My father said stepping forward. "Percy, those are your mom and Paul...and...and...your mom was pregnant, too..." He said with sadness lacing his voice.
"!!! This can't be happening to me! NO! Curse you Gaea! Curse you! ARGH!!!" I screamed until my throat was dry and hoarse and I couldn't scream any more. Then, I fell to my knees and sobbed, quiet, body shaking, heart breaking sobs. I felt a pair of feminine arms wrap around me, and hug me close. I felt a surge of warmth. I looked over my shoulder to see Hestia. She had a small, sad smile on her face, and she was trying to comfort me, but it did no good. Then Hermes came to me and handed me a paper. "It was directed to you, in your mom's apartment." He said.
I read it with shaking hands, but it just made me cry more, not in fear, but in sorrow, and in pain. It said,
'Well, Perseus, it seems that you have defeated me. Or have you? That is right! Your parents are dead! Ha! You think you can defeat me! My husband will haunt your dreams, make it a living nightmare! You will never be free of me! I will rise again one day and when I do...well, it is not going to be pretty. You will be my first victim. I will come for you! But do not worry, you won't die, no in fact, I will torture you forever! And there is nothing you can do to stop me! Hahahahaha! Have fun.
I cried and cried. The gods asked me what it said, but, when I opened my mouth, I found that I could not talk. So, Athena took it from me and read it to the gods. They stared at me in shock and worry and they all surrounded me and gave me big group hug, but I was nothing into it. Even Ares joined in, but I did not feel anything. Not even the pain from my leg, which was broken, or my ribs, which were also broken. My dad gave me a big hug and when he let go, I did not know what to do, so I vapor traveled out of there, not sure where I was going, but knowing that I had to leave. Right before my body completely turned into vapor, I saw the gods run forward and desperately attempt to grab me, but I just sadly waved once, before disappearing.

Artemis POV
The poor child, so much loss. Even if he is a boy I feel bad for him.
Hera POV
Now I feel bad for taking his memories and pulling him out of his life. If I didn't, maybe he would have been able to spend more time with that girl before she died.
Hestia POV
Poor Perseus. The poor boy. He has no hope left. He has lost everything and now Gaea wants to capture and torture him...
Athena POV
I don't care if he is Barnacle Brain's spawn. He cared for my daughter and tried his best to protect her, and now he is beyond repairable. I need to help him.
Poseidon POV
My poor son... I love him with all my heart and it breaks me to see him like this...wait. WAIT. WHERE IS HE GOING?!
I ran forward with the other gods and tried to grab him, as he started to turn into vapor, but he just looked at us and sadly waved one last time, before he disappeared. I herd Zeus immediately send out search parties, but I had a feeling it would be a long time until we would see him again. There was a bright flash, and Athena was gone. Hmmm... I wonder where she went?

Well what do you think? Was it good? ShouldI change it? Thanks for reading! Remember to Vote and Comment!

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