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10 votes on chapter ten already guys? Geez, I didn't know you like my story that much. I really hope I don't disappoint you with this chapter! I'll try to update next week too.

Here we go:

"Whoa, what did we walk into..."

Standing in the doorway were four people. Four teenage girls to be exact.

One girl was very beautiful. She had dirty blonde hair and ice blue eyes. She had a strong aura, but it was peaceful.

Another girl had short, wavy brown hair and dark warm eyes. She was medium in height, just slightly taller than the first girl. Her aura was also strong, also peaceful.

The third girl had long, curly red hair and green eyes. Her face was covered in freckles. She was a hair shorter than the first girl. Her aura was strong as well, just like the others, also peaceful.

The last girl had very dark brown hair and blue-violet eyes. He skin was fair. She was the tallest of them all, but not by much. Maybe an inch or so. Her aura was powerful, it was peaceful but had a dangerous tinge to it.

They all stood mouths agape, at the scene of rolling, punching, kicking gods in front of them.
The gods looked at them and got up, straightening their chitons and sitting in their thrones.

"Introduce yourselves!" Zeus thundered, always a drama queen.

The girls walked to the center of the throne room, carefully avoiding the limp body of a handsome teenage boy, and bowed to the gods. They started to introduce themselves.
The one with the dirty blonde hair came forward.

"My name is Megan Cain, daughter of Aphrodite."

The one with short, wavy brown hair stepped forward.

"My name is Killiana Freeheart, daughter of Apollo."

The one with curly red hair stepped forward.

"I am America Whitewater, daughter of Nike, blessed of Athena."

The one with the very dark hair stepped forward.

"My name is Asteria Duke, daughter of Nox."

"And we come with a request." They said together, which was kind of creepy.

"What may that request be?" Artemis questioned.

"We would like to be taught-" Athen perked up at the word 'taught'. "How to conceal our auras so that we could go to high school."

"What a coincidence! You see the child that is knocked out behind you?" Zeus said.

"Yes?" Megan replied.

"He knows how and he goes to high school. He can teach you, as can his patron and adopted mother, Athena."

"Really?" America questioned shocked.

"Yes. And on only one condition."

"Which is?" Killiana questioned wearily.

"You must watch over him. That is Perch Jackson, hero and savior of Olympus. He was mute but we fixed him, he put up a fight, as you can see. He will be attending high school when he wakes up, as he already goes to school. You must watch him and report to us once a week on a status update of him."

"That's Percy Jackson?!" Asteria shouted.


"Then we will do it." The girls said in unison. Again creepy.

Alright guys. There is the last chapter I am updating today. Sorry both were short and sorry I haven't updated!
If you saw a mistake in your OC please let me know!


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