I'm Just Gonna Do It

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Alright. Sorry it's not an update. I will update next Saturday though! Maybe tonight, but I have a 3 mile run today and then have to watch my cousin's 2 hyper daughters, so I don't know. I do have half of a draft for Chapter 13 though! Anyways, I was tagged by IbbyBird and so many other people but I keep forgetting to do the tags, so I am just going to do this one.

13 facts about me:

1. I am 14 years old
2. I am in high school
3. I am tiny. 4'11.5"
4. I play the flute
5. My favorite color is blue
6. I have this stuffed toy dog named Pudding that I cannot sleep without because I've had it ever since I was 1
7. I love animals
8. I find it very narcissistic when people say that animals are stupid and they are the better species
9. My first name is Faith
10. My mom thinks I have a sleeping disorder because two nights ago I woke up not able to breathe for 3 minutes. It happened again last night only I wasn't able to breathe for 1 minute
11. I stopped eating for a week
12. I'm in bed right now and it is very warm
13. I believe I am now done with this tag!

Okay so as you can see there is not much to say about me. I guess I have to tag some people now.

I tag
Uh I don't think I'm going to the ah any more people. Don't do it if you don't want to. Bye!

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