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Percy POV

I sat in the chair looking at my hands. My breathing started quickening up. I couldn't believe I was here. I thought I was safe. Hesitate cam and gave me a hug and I calmed down. I looked up and saw the worried faces of the gods. Even Zeus was worried.
"Percy? Is that you?"
I nod.
"Can you, can you speak?"
I shook my head.
"Can you communicate in any way?"
I start using sign language.
I can use sign language.
"Since when did you know sign language, son?"
Since I was little. I knew enough to have a conversation but not everything.
"How did you manage to avoid us for so long? We couldn't find you and now we only know that you are truly here is because you are sitting right in front of us."
I hid my aura.
"Who is helping you with this?! Gaea?! Tartarus?! Kronos?! Are you trying to overthrow us?!" Zeus screamed. He grabbed my shoulders and tried to shake the answers out of me.
Stop! You think I would betray you? After I won 2 wars for you? Just because you can't feel my aura doesn't mean that I am working with some evil force!!! I hate you! I hate you!! You think you can just go around accusing someone of betrayal?! Maybe I should betray just to prove a point! You are lucky my fatal flaw is my loyalty! I am only loyal to mainly my mom and dad. If they weren't here I would go and turn myself in to the enemy. Be warned *****.
I grabbed the rope around me and in one yank pulled it off of me. I turned and started towards the door when-
"Wait Percy! Did you say mother? Your mother is dead..."

I stopped in my tracks.

Silence filled the room.


They say Silence is golden

But that is not always true


And then-

Hey guys. So sorry for not updating but I have been busy with school. Now I give the shortest, crappiest chapter you will ever read, but, at least I kept a promise I made to someone to update by Friday.

Percy Jackson: Broken and MuteWhere stories live. Discover now