Part 47

378 10 18

Third Person POV

The final week had come to an end, Vasil had gone back home in the morning, Anelia and Allison had started owling each-other, catching up on what's happened since they last spoke.

To say Anelia was shocked at mattheo's actions was an understatement, but turns out Anelia is the new quidditch captain for beauxbatons but she still doesn't know that she is moving to hogwarts in just over 2 months.

The will for the Evergreen parents was found and read out to each of the children. Benjamin got £2,000,000 for looking after his sister for all of these years although he believes that it's probably an apology but they would never admit that.

Evelyn got her mothers family air loom, and dark magic books with £1,000,000 aswell.

Jake got the house - wait no mansion, as well as the rest of their money and assets however he gave Evelyn an extra million, himself 2 million and Allison 2 million before splitting the money between them all evenly.

And finally Allison got given the family's muggle written books, her parents had hidden them from her when they found out she was reading them, her punishment? It was to be under the crusiatus curse 15 times in one day.

I mean what a delight, personally I would've preferred a box of chocolates but each to their own.

Anyway back to the story

Today is Saturday, 10am to be exact

Evelyn has told all the children that they have to get the train back to hogwarts because they have ran out of floo.

All of them know it's a lie, there's something going on but no one will tell them anything. Hermione's asked Allison to see if she can find out anything because she's in the order but non of the adults will tell her.

Dumbledore came and took Harry a couple of days ago but he was soon returned, something to do with a new potions professor. So far this school year they've had an absolute terrible teacher that isn't even a teacher.

Allison's POV

"Evelyn just hold on for one minute"

"Oh my Merlin, Allison get your ass down here now. everyone's waiting for you"

"And they can wait one more minute cant they?"

"Allison get your ass down here now"

"And I'm done" I say while looking in the mirror

I would say my outfit is absolutely fire, I mean chances of me seeing him today are high so I "have to make him see what he's missing" that's what Ginny said to me last night.

I'm wearing a red jumper, with white lettering. With a white tennis skirt and white shoes.

 With a white tennis skirt and white shoes

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