4. Bully

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                      I look up to see Josie Mason standing over me with a feral expression on her face.

          I usually ignore such things but today I felt different. I was already annoyed because of that smiley brat and now this. Just who does she think she is? Bitch.

           She crouches in front of me.
          "What do you think you were doing?" She's practically spitting on my face. Tsk.

           I slap her hand away which is still in my hair and glare at her. " What did I do?"

           "Oh, so you don't remember flirting with Theo?"

           Theo? "Who Theo?" I ask. The name seems familiar but....... I see... I remember now. The new guy's name is Theodore.

            "Look, I didn't—" I start but she cuts me off.

            "Theo who? The new guy whom you begged to be partners with, you cunning bitch. Atleast remember his name."

           Why's she getting angry if I forget his name? I bet the guy himself wouldn't care if I forget his name.

           "First of all, I didn't flirt with him and second, he's the one who asked me to be his partner. So why don't we end this here? I'm getting late for my class." I say confidently and try to get up but she pushes me back and stands up, irritation marring her otherwise pretty face. It's a pity she's a bitch.

          "So you expect me to believe Theo asked you to be his partner? Atleast tell a decent lie." She smirks at me, her eyes roaming over my plain clothes. They're nothing fancy, a black hoodie and dark blue ripped baggy jeans paired with boots but compared to her clothes, they look like rags. Who cares anyway. She comes closer and whispers in my ear," He's mine so you better stay away from him, miss Half-French.

          How.Dare.She. I sanity snaps at the nickname. It's the bane of my existence and she knows it too.

           I'm back on my feet before she could process what is happening. I grab both her shoulders and push her with all my might. She falls on her butt, a shocked expression on her face. That's the least you deserve for messing with me. I'm too angry to think straight at this point. F*ck the consequences. I NEED to beat up this bitch. I see the crowd around us, growing by the second.

           "I don't give a f*ck about what you  want or who you want, just stay away from me and if you like him that much, go ahead, make him yours or whatever. Do as you please because I don't even like him or want him so LEAVE.ME.ALONE." I'm huffing angrily as I scream at her. The crowd around us falls silent. Tsk, where are the teachers when you need them?

Josie is paralyzed in shock at my outburst and so is the crowd surrounding us. It takes her a few seconds to recover and when she realises what just happened her expression changes from shock to rage at she charges at me like a wild animal. She raises her hand to slap me but before she could land a blow someone grabs her hand and shoves her backward. She tumbles on the ground (again).

Everything happens in less than one minute and before I could process everything someone grabs my hand and drags me away from the commotion.


Hope you guys r enjoying ✨✨🖤

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