5. Milo Jenkins

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If the flames of the fire are too far away, you don't feel it's warmth and you're left in the cold but if the flames are too close, it burns you leaving scars that'll never fade.

I'm not afraid of the cold, I'm habitual to it. It's the proximity of flames I'm afraid of cause once you feel the warmth you get greedy. So greedy, that you don't even realise when the comfortable warmth becomes scorching flames that burns you to the ground. I'm afraid it'll burn me until I'm nothing but million pieces of ashes scattering into the sky. Forever lost and alone.

I'm still being dragged by Milo even after exiting the scene dramatically. Looks like he has no intention of letting me go. Tsk. This stupid annoying guy. Why does he always act as if we're close? We're neighbours, that's how far our relationship goes but this dumbo thinks we're best friends or something. The only similarity we have is that we're both passionate about our future. He wants to get out of this shitty town and the same goes for me.

         Otherwise, we're like north and south. I'm like a wallflower, a person no one bothers to deal with, the person everyone avoids but on the other hand, Milo's someone who shines brighter than anyone  in our school. He's the star player of football team, the crush of every freshman girl, the most uptight guy I know (the only guy I know) and also the most annoying guy I've come across. No. I think that title goes to that new guy. Tsk. He better not talk to me next time. All this unnecessary drama because of him. But first I'll have to deal with this guy..

"Milo, let go of me this instant. How dare you embarrass me infront of the whole school?" I speak to his back as we're still walking God knows where.

He suddenly stops making me bump into him and then he swiftly turns around and glares at me. "No and just what were you thinking. Fighting her like that and that too over some guy? This is the last thing I expected you to do Krissa. I'm not the one who embarrassed you infront of the whole school. You yourself did it."

Too close. Times like these when the flames are too close. It's your responsibility to move away from them.

I snatch my hand away from him and try to walk away, "You don't know anything, leave me alone. I never asked you to help me." But he blocks my path.
          Tsk, again, are all teachers on break or something? I stop but I don't look at him.

"Krissa, you were fighting, not only verbally but also physically. I know I don't know what exactly happened between you two but students are gonna talk, not only them but the whole town's gonna get involved in the rumour mill. You think people are just going to forget what happened today? No. It's going to blow out of proportion for sure. I have a very bad feeling about this." He's intuition is rarely wrong but it doesn't take a genius to know the outcome of this incident. I knew it was not going to end well the moment I fought back. If it was any other student, it would've been passed off as a fight over a guy and nothing more but since I am involved, the rumours are going to twist out of control.

           I imagine the rumours students will gossip about tomorrow in the hallways.
        "Did you see yesterday? That bitch tried to hurt Josie."
         "Someone said she had a sharp object."
          "I heard she wanted to take Josie's place, that's what they were fighting over."
          "I heard they were fighting over a guy, you know, the new guy, Theodore?"
          I bet they'll even go as far as that I tried to kill Josie. Tsk, what a bothersome day. I want to go home, I sigh and I think. I mean it's not everyday the daughter of a killer goes on a rampage....


Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter. Please tell me if I need to improve anything.✨🖤

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