jegulus common room party

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Btw guys if u didnt read the last chapter thats ok bit i suggest u read the authers note at the end of it cause it tells u abt this:

It was a common house party held in Griffindoor common room which obviously meant all houses where invited. No one was expecting Slytherin to show up seen as the reason for the party was cause Griffindoor won a quidditch match against Slytherin.
Just then they hear punk-rock music playing in the distance as barty walks through the painting with a speaker in his arm, Evan, Regulus, Dorcas and Pandora all beside him with a couple other Slytherins behind him.
"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" barty yelled already sounding drunk. That earned a couple cheers from the ravenclaws.
"Wasn't expecting for yous to actually show up"
Sirius says as him and James walk up to barty, Evan, Regulus, Dorcas and Pandora.
"Well we are invited, aren't we?"
Evan says, trying to start something.
"Off course yous are as long as shit doesn't start up"
James answers.
Sirius buts in. "Plus we wouldn't be having this party if it wasn't for yous"
He looks at Dorcas and Regulus since they're the only players out of the 5 of them.
"I guess you wouldn't"
Dorcas smirks at siruis.
"I guess we wouldn't" siruis says sarcastically smirking back.
Breaking the silence James says.
"Anyways how about yous come in, and get a drink then later we can play a game or smthn?"
"Sounds good" barty says.
No one else saying anything since they're all ready separating, Evan and Dorcas going to the drinks, barty slowly following behind them.
Regulus and Pandora going some where ; no one really sees them for most of the party.

"Listen up everyone!"
Siruis shouts across the common room.
"We're going to be playing a couple of games so I want a show of hands on who wants to play!"
The Pantheons, marauders and valkeries all put there hands up.
"Is that it?!"
Theres silence.
"Ok then all of yous come up to my dorm room."
They all head up to the marauders dorm.
"We're gonna be playing truth or drink." James explains to the room.
"How the fuck do we play that?" Barty says definitely drunk now.
"We will ask u a question then u would pick either truth or drink. if u pick truth u need to drink Vertirism and answer but if u pick drink that means u don't want to answer, then we just see who's the most drunk at the end" Remus explains to everyone but mainly barty.
"Sound pish." barty mutters to Regulus and Evan, causing a laugh out of Evan and a smirk on regulus' face.
"Right, who wants to ask first?" James ask.
"I'll go." Marlene shouts.
"Hmm," her eyes scan the room as they land on a specky boy with brunette hair."James do you fancy anyone that isn't lily?"
(Shit)James thinks.
Then he drinks.
Everyones eyes grow wide.
"You never told me mate." siruis hits James on the shoulder.
"Haha guess it just didn't come up" he answers with an awkward laugh.
"Tell me later."
"Mhm yeah." James knew he wouldn't tell siruis. He couldnt.
"James it's your shot now." Peter says just wanting to start the game instead of talking about James love life.
"I don't have anything to ask, someone else take my shot"
"Ok who wants his shot?"
"I'll take it." Evan says. James isn't excited for this one.
"James who is it you fancy?"
"I'm not answering that"
He takes a drink.
"Oh cmon don't be boringggg." Evan says as barty joins in.
"Yeah your THE James potter, you cant be boring!"
(Yeah) James thinks(I have to be perfect, can't be boring, can't do this, can't do that)
"Cmon James tell everyone."
"Or are u too scared" they where annoying questions obviously but what barty said next is what caught his attention.
"Is it even a girl, is that why your scared to answer?"
"You heard me, is it a boy or a girl? Is the James potter gay?"
"Just leave him barty!" A new voice speaks up. It's Regulus. Regulus black just stood up for him in front of his pals.
"Oh cmon reg he knows I was just joking."
"Who cares about James' relationships, can we get back to the game now!" Mary shouts.
"Yes we can!" Remus shouts having enough of James and barty.
"Who wants to ask a question next?"
"I will." Pandora says.

They play for another few rounds until it's one of siruis' shots.
"Don't call me that."
"Do you fancy someone in this room?"
Regulus takes a sip of vertirisim.
"Yes. Yes I do."
"Shut up Sirius" Regulus just wants all the attention off of him.
"I always knew you had a thing for Pandora."
"It's not her."
"Yeah fuck of Sirius were just pals"
Pandora speaks up.
"Calm your jets Rosier"
"How come I don't know your crush?does anyone else know your crush?"
Barty says clearly offended.
"Yes" Regulus can't control anything cause of the vertirisim. "Pandora and Dorcas know"
A sad "oh" comes from bartys mouth."why don't me and Evan know, we're your bestpals as well!"
Regulus just stays silent so he doesn't say the real answer.
"Barty it's not a big deal, plus I have a guess on who it is." Evan winks at regulus.
"It is a big deal though were his best pals."
"Barty please just rap it." Regulus says so quietly that not even the full room heard him.
"No, we where your pals before Dorcas and Pandora, how is that fair?" If barty was sober he still would've of been mad, but not this mad.
"Barty just stop your making him uncomfortable!" James says since Regulus had stuck up for him against barty earlier on.
"This has nothing to do with you Potter." barty spits back.
"It has nothing to do with you either."
"Yes it does I'm his best pal."
"So? Does that just mean that you should know every little thing about him. That he has no privacy cause of you."
"Of course he has privacy, but this argument isn't about you it's me and regulus!"
"Yeah well it's happening in my dorm so i can do what I want!"
"Is that so?" Barty steps up in james' face. Sirius steps up behind James.
"Hey,hey,hey calm down, wands down sit down." lily says. It's smthn that used to work with Marlene and Dorcas.
"Lily shush. We need a fight to happen." Marlene says eating popcorn that she made with her wand just there.

(All of the above was written on my notes app forever ago so everything after this is a bit better cause it was recently done.)

This arguing goes on for abt 5 more mins before regulus speaks up.
"STOP!" He gave everyone a fright. No one has heard him speak so loud.
"Nearly shat myself there." Marlene whispers to lily earning her a slap on the arm.
"I'm going back to the dorms." He says while picking his coat up.
"I'll come with." Pandora says.
"No, I'm going myself." And with that he leaves.
James gives siruis a look, while barty does the same to evan.

James runs down to the common room, He can't seem to find him through the big crowd. 'God I hate barty.' James thought to himself.

After about an hour of James looking for regulus he finally spots the curly haired boy.

There he was. Regulus arcturious black. He was sitting on a window ledge in a quiet corridor a few corridors down from the dungeons. James should've checked round about here first since regulus did say that he was going back to the dorms.

"Hey." James says as he slowly sits down across from the younger boy.
"What do you want potter?" He answers coldly.
"Nothing I'm just checking on you, you okay?"
"I'm fine. I don't need James potter to come and save my day." Instead of looking down now he turns his head to the side so he can look out the window. I don't really know what to say to that.. "Thanks for sticking up for me earlier." James ignores what regulus just said.
"Aye well barty was just being a dick."
James laughs a little. "You could say that again." A smirk grows on regulus face making James proud. The two boys sit in a comfortable silence for a moment before the smaller boy speaks up.

"Was barty right?" The question shocked James a bit.
"Hm?" James asks not sure if he heard the other boy right.
"Was barty right?" Regulus turns to look at James for the first time this night. "Is it a boy that you fancy?" James didn't know what to answer. Was regulus homophobic like most of the blacks? But if he was homophobic he wouldn't of stuck up for me earlier, would he of? Do I tell him that it's a boy? Or do I  say its a girl? But that will be lying? Do I still have vertirisim in me from earlier? It should've worn of by now. James thoughts where a MESS.

"Yes it's a boy." James wants to turn away in shame but can't seem to turn away from the beautiful boy infront of him. James couldn't tell the emotions on the younger blacks face. He didn't have time to think what his expression was before a pare of cold lips smashed against his. At james didn't kiss back cause he was confused on what was going on. But that was only for a second before he grabbed regulus waist closer to his then slowly moving his left hand up to regulus head to play with his curls. While regulus hands where all over James. This was heaven. This wasn't like when Marlene had kissed James and Peter when they where 5. This wasn't like in first year where the 4 marauders practiced kissing with eachother. This wasnt like when lily kissed james on the cheek in 3rd year or any other kisses like them. This was different. This was better. What felt like forever but was really only 10 seconds of kissing, finally ended. Regulus pulled away, while James was confused about regulus pulling away. He was even more confused about the sad expression on regulus face and-wait when did regulus start crying? Was he too much? What was wrong?

"Shit I'm so sorry James I shouldn't of done that. shit!" Whyd did regulus regret it? Did he regret it?
"Hey its OK, i enjoyed it." James trys reassuring the distressed boy.
"No we shouldn't have done this. Good bye James." And that was it. It all happened to fast for James to process. Should he go after him?

1813 words

An: wowww I think that's the most I've ever wrote and as I said im sooooo sorry the first part is bad but I made it forever ago and I couldn't be bothered editing it. Also what ship/scenario should I do next??

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