trans reggie

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This one will be really short guyssss

Tw: mentions of r#pe but nothin actually happens he literal just says the word so I don't actually know if I need a tw but I'm not tryna get cancelled here guyss😝🤞

Regulus had been meeting up with James for a month, some times they would talk, sometimes they wouldn't. Tonight they done more than just talk.

Regulus pov:

I pull away from the kiss. James potter had just kissed me and it was amazing. We just smile at eachother before going into a cuddling position.

We've been cuddling, not talking. For abt 15 mins now. With just James playing with my hair in his hands. Which is why I wasn't prepared for what he said next. And even if we where talking I still wouldn't of been prepared.
"I wish you where a girl..." Oh. That really fucking hurt. I don't know what to answer to that. So I just kinda walk away. James doesn't even try to stop me.

Two days later.

"Reg you have tae acho eat you know?" Evan says. I didn't see James all yesterday day but I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. He didn't mean it like that. Did he?
"Aye I know." I say while take a singular bite of toast that I took of Evans plate.
"Hold you a didn't mean off ma plate you cow." I was about to make a snarky remark. When i saw him. There he was. James bloody potter. I had to get out of there.
"Uh hey guys I'm gonnae go." I don't even wait for a reply before im running out of there. Well really I wasnt running; I never run. I was speed walking but still. I could hear evan shout.
"It was just a joke you know!" But I just decide to ignore him.

I run down to the dormitories but instead of going right to the boys I go left to the girls dormitories. Technically boys aren't aloud in here but dorcas and Pandora come into our dorms all the time and sometimes we go into theres cause no one really cares.

I run over to there shared vanity at the back of their dorm and grab random makeup. I run into their shared bathroom and put all the make up on the counter top and grabed some eye shadow. It was hard to since somehow I had started crying so it ended up coming out very smudged.

After I was done I didn't know what to do. I hated how I looked like this. I looked like a girl. I wipe my hands roughly down my face. I hated it so much. Would James like it? Would he like the fact that I look like a girl? Just then I hear footsteps and muffled talking come into the dorm. Shit. Pandora and dorcas. Possibly there other roomate lucinda talkalot.

Someone knocks on the bathroom door.
"Oi reggie is that you in there?" Pandora speaks. Should I answer?
"Yeah. Y-yeah it's me." I say sniffling.
"Well gonnae let me in am bursting fir a piss." Oh that's good. She doesn't know that I'm upset.
"Yeah ok." I open the door and walk out there as fast as I can.

I don't know where I'm going but I feel like I've been walking for ages. That was until I find my self at a certain noisy portrait. I knew she wouldn't let me in so I'd have to ask for her to get James.
"Hey can you get James potter for me please?" She doesn't even answer me. All she does is give me a dirty look before walking out of frame. I don't know where she was going cause it isn't like can walk into the common room and just go get James. After about 5 minutes she comes back giving me another dirty look before the portrait opens up and there he was.

James pov:

"Hey reggie-! I says excitedly before realising the state regulus is in.
"Am I pretty now?"
"W-what?" The question left me speechless.
"Am I pretty now?" He says more clearly. I couldn't talk to him out here so I bring him into the common room. He keeps getting weird looks but no wonder he's a slytherin in the Griffindoor tower.

We get into my room amd i forget that Pete is in here.
"Oi James you ready tae finish playing chess?-" He says before realising regulus is there.
"Hey Pete could you go downstairs for 2 mins?" I could tell he wasn't happy but he still understood as he closed the door behind him and walked down the stairs and into the common room.

"Hey so reg what's wrong?"
"You said you wished I was a girl. So I became a girl for you." He says crying.
Nonono is that what he thought I meant?
"Well thats not what I meant." I duck down to try meet his eyes.
"I just- look I don't know what I meant but trust me I like you the way you are."
"Oh." I could tell there was something else bothering him but i didn't want to push it.

Couple days later:

As I grind my body against regulus'. I go to move my hands slowly down his body but as I'm grinding him I realise that he doesn't have a boner. If he didn't have a boner did that mean that he didn't want this to happen? Was this considered rape?

"Hey reg, are you sure you want this?"
"Yeah why?" He tries to go back to kissing my neck but I pull away.
"Then why don't you have a boner?"
"Cause I don't have a dick." I knew we where both high, but this high?
"What do you mean you don't have a dick?"
"I mean I don't have a dick. I'm trans. I was gonnae tell you in a better situation than this." He motions between us. "But I just haven't found the right time yet." He shrugs. Regulus was trans?
"Your trans?" I get off him. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable.
"Yeah is that a problem?"
"No off course not!"
"Oh thats good then." This was kinda awkward I didn't know how to react. Of course I supported him it was just alot to handle.
"Well I should probs get going Pandora will-" What ever he says next I don't acknowledge but hearing Pandoras name set something off in my head. The other night. I had told regulus I wanted him to be a girl. OMG HOW STUPID COULD I BE?? I TOLD A TRANS BOY THAN I WISHED HE WAS A GIRL. OMGOMGOMG IM SO DAFT. Before he leaves I get his attention.
"Reggie I'm SOSO sorry about the other night, k can't believe i would be so inconsiderate to you. I'm so sorry about what I said and your are so handsome reg you dont need makeup to prove that and you ESPECIALLY don't need to be a girl to prove it either." I can see him tearing up. Did I say something wrong? I swear that was the most correct thing I've ever said in my life. "Why you crying did i-" I get cut off by him bringing me into a big hug.
I love you James.

1237 words

An: soook how was that?? I haven't read it through so I hope its good.
I might do jily or marylily next?

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