Chapter 3

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A/N: This work is actually inspired by a small interaction between me and P'Third (Tilly Birds) hehehe. For those of you who haven't listened to Tilly Birds, go check them out now!!!

It's been 4 days since Bible is back from his trip abroad, and during his trip, he managed to get another ticket to watch his idol, Jeff Satur. This time though, he managed to get the ticket with the most benefit, a postcard, a signed poster, a press conference pass, and a photo group pass.

Bible is vibrating with excitement as the event is tomorrow, and so, he decides to make sure he's prepared for the event, he goes to his closet, and prepares his outfit, trying it on to make sure he looks good in it before hanging it outside his closet, he dead head towards his desk and connects his phone to his computer, moving his files to make sure he has enough storage to video Jeff.

Once he's done making space on his phone, he moves on with preparing his bag for the concert, making sure he has his wallet in his bag, along with some chapstick, water, and freebies that he prepared. Once Bible felt everything is prepared, he went to bed and decided to sleep early.

Morning soon came, and Bible woke up before his alarm blasted, so he took his time preparing for the concert, he lay in his bed for a couple of more minutes, scrolling his social media before then leaving his bed to shower.

When Bible is done with his shower, he goes to grab his phone before going back to his bathroom to dry his hair, he does that while checking his phone. Seeing Pong texting him to wake up, he chuckles before replying that he's done showering.

Once his hair is dry, he checks the time before wearing his outfit, which consists of dark grey cargo pants, a black tank top, and a dark grey cargo jacket. Once he's done, he takes a last look at himself in the mirror before grabbing his phone, power bank, and bag and heading out of his place.

He planned to drive there but decided to change his mind because the venue was not a familiar place for him, so he went ahead and rode a taxi to the venue. Throughout the ride he texted his best friend, Pong, making plans on what their plan would be once they got to the venue.

Bible soon arrived at the venue and it only took another couple of minutes for Pong to arrive, and once they meet they decided to first exchange their virtual ticket for the physical one and also get their benefits while at it, once they had everything with them, they went out of the venue and decided to go to the nearest mall and grab lunch.

The two didn't think much and went straight to the mall's food court and looked for a filling yet light food, they decided to eat some chicken before looking for a cafe to hang out in before going back to the venue.

Once they were back at the venue, they immediately went and lined up for the press conference, and once inside, thankfully Bible and Pong got to sit beside each other, so they decided to spend the next couple of minutes, chatting.

Soon enough the press conference starts, the host is up the stage, and soon Jeff follows, Bible's eyes immediately go to his idol, and he looks at Jeff starstruck, even though this is not his first time seeing Jeff in real life but Bible can't help but stare. Pong ended up having to nudge him because he ended up staring with his mouth open.

The press conference went by quickly, with the host asking a couple of questions and Jeff answering them, Bible ended up staring at Jeff throughout the whole thing, not saying anything, no nothing, he's just staring at the ethereal being in front of his eyes.

Heading back out, Bible is still in a daze, starstruck after seeing Jeff. Pong ended up having to drag Bible out of the venue, before going to a cafe, ordering two drinks for them, sitting his friend down, smacking Bible's arm, and breaking Bible's daze.

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