Pen Pal Pt. 2 - Draco Malfoy

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          Draco Malfoy was in the owlery waiting for his owl to return. He looked out the window and saw the majestic bird returning. Upon closer inspection, he saw that it had a letter tied to it. The bird landed in front of him and he untied the letter.

Dearest Draco Malfoy,

This letter is to confess my undying love for you. That is, you suffering. Who do you think you are?? Your hair's too greasy. I wanted to tell you that for the longest time. Also, that eager to write to me?? Now that is out of the way, I don't write poems, Malfoy. Get your facts straight. I write stories. That have quite the fan base. In fact, my book is actually in the library at your house.

Also, just because you can write to me, doesn't mean I want to read about how you find yourself oh-so-attractive.

~ Y/N Kama

          Father's got a book of stories written by her?? Draco thought. Surely she's bluffing. Maybe I'll write to him and ask about it.. He was about to write a counter-letter but then realized he had no parchment. Nor did he have a quill or any ink. Sighing, he decided he'd write later after he remembered it was curfew and he'd have to be in bed. Not that he cared. If the prefects dare speak against me, father will surely hear about this.

          As he was climbing down the stairs, he came across Y/N Kama herself. "What are you doing here now, Kama??" he sneered. "Am I not supposed to be here??" Y/N questioned, her eyebrows arched innocently. "You're not supposed to be here.." Draco took a step toward her. "You don't own the castle, Malfoy.. I'll be where I want, whenever I want.." she replied, also taking a step forward. Draco would've countered, had it not been for Y/N's friend, Cho Chang.

          "Y/N!! There you are!! I was searching for you. You're not supposed to be out after curfew." "But it isn't curfew yet." "It will be, if we don't get back in 5 minutes." Draco watched uninterestedly. Y/N nodded and left with Cho, leaving Draco standing in the hallway, alone.

          Without Y/N there to keep him, he also scurried- I mean, hurried back to the Slytherin common room.

AN: So, like I said in my other book, exams... So no updates till October 11th..


Helene 🐺

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