Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy, the wonderful Richelle Mead does.


I sighed as the plane landed in my new school. I had been asked to train a pregnant novice, by the novice's mother nonetheless. Janine Hathaway was a force to be reckoned with. I was slightly astonished when she came up to me one day a week ago and asked me to train her daughter. I thought back to the day.

Janine Hathaway came marching up to me like an avenging demon. Ivan and I had been visiting court, and he had told me to go relax, and explore a bit, while he visited some relatives.

"Guardian Belikov," she said, looking up at me with a determined face.

"Guardian Hathaway," I acknowledged her with a nod.

"I would like to ask you a favor," she said, not beating around the bush.

My eyebrow rose before I should stop it. "Oh? And what would that be?" I asked, doing my best to sound polite.

"I would like you to train my daughter, Rosemarie. She has recently fallen pregnant, but still wishes to continue training so she can protect herself, and her baby, and so that when she has her baby, she can go back and graduate, and not be so far behind." She said all this in one breath.

I looked at her, astonished. I was honestly speechless. "You want me to train your pregnant daughter, so that she can go back after having a baby, and graduate?" I asked, just to be sure.

She gave an affirmative nod. "That would be correct. This would also most likely cause you to be Vasilisa Dragomir's guardian, a great honor."

I was now even more confused. "How would training Rosemarie allow me to become the last Dragomir's guardian?"

Hathaway sighed. "It is generally believed that Rose will become Vasilisa's guardian once she graduates due to the fact that they are bonded. So if you were to train Rose, you would have a great chance at becoming her guardian for the simple fact that you would get to know Rose, and be able to work with her. Plus, you are one of the greatest guardians out there. And your age is close to Vasilisa's, so it would be deemed almost prudent that you become her guardian, as you will be on campus anyway."

I had never in my life heard such a long speech from Janine Hathaway. It was clear that she had thought it all through. But I had other concerns too.

"What about my charge?" I asked. I didn't want to leave Ivan. He was a good friend, unlike most Royals.

Hathaway gave a nod. "All taken care of. I would become his guardian in your stead."

I was shocked once again. "But-but...then why don't you train Rose?" Wouldn't it make more sense for her mother to train her, as opposed to a stranger who knew nothing about her?

Hathaway's face fell. "Well," she began uncomfortably, "we don't really have the best of relationships, and in the light of recent events...well, it clearly showed I would be the worst person to train her." She looked away uncomfortably.

I studied her closely. She appeared slightly upset, and it made me wonder what had happened. Was it because Rose got pregnant? Did Janine freak out, hurting Rose in the process? That seemed the most likely reason, unless Janine was part of the reason as to why Rose was pregnant. But that was just ridiculous.

I sighed. "When would I have to start?"

Janine's face lit up. "Well, the school year has already started, so as soon as possible. Within the week."

I shook my head, hoping I wasn't going to regret this.

And that is how I found myself on a plane, landing in St. Vladimir's Academy, with a new charge, and a completely new job.

If only I knew what I was getting myself into.

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