Chapter Twenty

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Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy.


The next morning, I woke up feeling utterly warm, safe, and comfortable. It took me several moment to realise why I was so content. When I did, my eyes snapped open and my breathing stopped.

I was face to face with Dimitri’s chest, his arms wrapped securely around me. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know what to do.

“Roza,” Dimitri mumbled.

My entire body completely froze. Was he awake? If he was, why wasn’t he moving?

Dimitri mumbled something incoherent and shifted, bringing me even closer. One hand moved to my stomach, holding it protectively.

“My Roza,” Dimitri mumbled again.

The air rushed back into my lungs and my body unfroze simultaneously. He was dreaming. About me. I couldn’t describe the feeling that coursed through me; it left me warm and tingling. I analyzed it for a moment, before realising it was affection, but stronger than affection. My body froze once more as it dawned on me that the feeling just might be love.

Dimitri decided to choose that moment to wake up. He blinked his eyes open and flexed his arms, seeming startled when he realised I was in them. He took in my tense body and immediately recoiled, moving to the edge of the bed away from me.

“I am so sorry, Roza!” he cried out, getting out of bed. In his haste to make me comfortable, he tripped on the blanket, stumbling and face-planting on the floor.

This made me snort with laughter, breaking my tension.

“Comrade, calm down! I wasn’t tense because I was afraid or anything. Come back to bed.” I patted the spot next to me which he had just vacated.

Dimitri crawled back into bed. “If that wasn’t it, then why?” he asked, looking at me with concern.

I took a deep breath. “I realised something,” I said softly.

“What?” he asked curiously.

I hesitated. Could I say it? “I -” The words seemed to get stuck in my throat. I couldn’t  force them out. I took another deep breath. “I-uh, I really, really care about you. A lot. And I’m sorry I can’t say it, but I do feel it.” I avoided his eyes, not wanting to see the disappointed look in them.

“Roza.” Dimitri tilted my head up with his fingertips. I tried to not look into his eyes to no avail. Finally I gave up and let them meet his.

His brown eyes were filled with - gulp - love. They were shining with happiness and he looked like he’d just won a million dollars.

“Roza, I would love to hear those word from you, but there is no rush. I’d much rather you say them when you’re ready, than force them out when you are not. I love you.”

I breathed in sharply. He had never said it so boldly.

“I do,” he continued, now cradling my face in his hands. “And nothing can change that. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. I’ll always keep you safe.”

He ended his speech with a kiss on my forehead.

“Oh, Comrade!” I breathed out, tears soaking my face. I threw my arms around him and smashed our lips together, ignoring the little voice in my head that reminded me of the fact I’m not the one he was supposed to promise to keep safe. Dimitri chuckled deep in his chest, but kissed me back.

It was the most loving kiss I had ever experienced. I half expected light to shining from our lips, because that’s how bright and happy it felt. My heart swelled up so much I felt like I would burst. Breaking the contact between our lips, I leaned my forehead against his and looked him in the eye, the words flowing flawlessly from my lips.

“I love you.”


Since I was practically five months along, I couldn’t exactly go stunt skiing. Dimitri didn’t want me skiing in the dark anyway, so we just took a stroll around the grounds and rode on the ski lift just for the fun of it. I felt a little pang of jealousy every time I saw my friends doing crazy stunts and having a blast, but Dimitri always made me feel better. When there was no one around or no one was paying attention, Dimitri would hold my hand. Even though I was all bundled up in a parka, fur boots, scarf, gloves and hat, every time he touched me with his own gloved hand, spark shot through me.

I kept the buzz of Lissa’s feelings to the back of my mind, just to make sure she was safe. She was spending the day with Christian and Tasha; happiness and love filled the bond. I felt a bit guilty for not being worried about her or even really paying attention to her, but assured myself she was fine with Christian.

Dimitri and I were ice-skating on a frozen pond on the edge of the property when a jolt of surprise from Lissa made me slip. I was braced for impact, but just in the nick of time Dimitri swooped in and caught me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked urgently.

I held up a finger. “Hang on.” I slipped into Lissa’s mind.

In front of her stood Adrian. Automatically, I felt myself become terrified, my breathing and heart rate speeding up. I forced myself to stay in Lissa’s head.

“Adrian!” Lissa exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

Adrian shrugged. “I was just wondering if you wanted to start up spirit practices again,” he replied casually.

Lissa was shocked once more. She hadn’t even thought of starting those again. “I-yeah! That would be awesome!” she cried out happily. She didn’t even consider what it would do to me, spirit or being around Adrian.

I was so astonished at this that I found myself right back in my own body.

“Roza!” Dimitri shook my shoulder gently.

I was still froze in a state of shock. He carefully led me off the ice and to a bench nearby.

“Talk to me, Roza. You’re scaring me.” Dimitri sounded frantic with worry and that was the only thing that broke me from my catatonic state.

“She’s going to practice spirit with him,” I said numbly, my voice small.

“Who? What?”

I finally turned to him. “Lissa is going to practice spirit with Adrian.

A/N: Sorry it's a bit short :P I can't update my other story so decided to update instead :D I won't be able to update tomorrow until late, so I figured, why not. It's a short chapter, anyway :P  

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