Chapter Twenty-Five

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Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Academy, Richelle Mead does.


Despite the fact that at the end of the appointment I had shared a cute moment with Dimitri, I still gave him the cold shoulder, letting him know I was not at all please with the fact that he’s been checking out the doctor. At first, he hadn’t realised why I was mad, or that I was even mad in the first place, but after five straight minutes of him talking and me ignoring everything he said, he’d caught on. It wasn’t until I had practically caught a tree on fire from my glare at the mention of the new doctor that it finally occurred to him that I was upset about it. Now he was practically on his knees apologizing.

“I’m sorry, Roza,” he pleaded. “Please forgive me. I didn’t mean.” I didn’t say anything. “Roza, I’m sorry. She just caught me off-guard.” Silence. “You’re still the most beautiful girl in the universe. I’m sorry. I love you. I wasn’t staring because she was beautiful, I was actually staring because, um, she was so ugly, Yeah! She caught me off-guard because she was so ugly.”

I couldn't help but snort at that, breaking my no speaking rule. Dimitri seemed to take that as encouragement.

“Exactly! She was really ugly. Her hair? Simply atrocious. And that lab coat? Made her look so bulky and ugly. And her face? I’d rather stare at Ralf Sarcozy all day,” Dimitri continued.

I giggled helplessly. “Nice save there, Comrade,” I attempted to say dryly, but my laughter make it come out bubbly and amused.

Dimitri looked relieved as we stopped at his - our now - room. “In all seriousness, I’m really, truly sorry Roza. It will never happened again.”

I smiled softly. “I believe you,” I replied.

“Good. Now, I have this weird feeling that my son and his mother are hungry,” Dimitri stated.

Right on cue, my stomach growled. I giggled again. “Right you are, Comrade,” I said lightly.

Dimitri chuckled and lead me to the cafeteria. On the way there, we came across a girl I’d never seen. She was drop dead gorgeous, tall like all Moroi but with curves that any Moroi would kill for. Her long brown hair had an artful, just had sex look to it. However, she look at me with cold blue-gray eyes, sending a foreboding chill down my spine.

“Hi,” she said, sticking out her hand. I shook it as she continued. “I’m Avery Lazar. Do you by any chance know where I could find Adrian Ivashkov?”

I froze, my hand instinctively going protectively to my stomach. Her cold eyes followed it critically.

“Oh. You must be Rose Hathaway.” Avery smirked.

I blinked back tears at the condescension and slightly disgusted tone in this stranger’s voice. I could almost hear her finishing the sentence in her head with ‘the blood whore.’ It surprisingly hurt to hear such judgment in the voice of someone I have never met. I bowed my head, feeling irrationally ashamed.

“You would find him the guest rooms,” Dimitri replied evenly. His hand twitched by his side and I knew he wanted to wrap it around me in comfort but couldn’t since we were in public.

“Why thank you, handsome,” Avery replied in a flirty tone.

I looked up finally, giving her a dark look. Avery simply smirked back at me coldly, then flounced off in the direction of the guest rooms.

As soon as she was out of sight, Dimitri spun around to face me, putting his hands gently on either side of my face. “Don’t listen to her, alright?” he told me. “She’s just a spoiled royal brat; she has no idea what you went through.”

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