Chapter Twenty-Six

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Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Academy, Richelle Mead does.


Just as I expected, Rose threw a fit when she heard that she had to move out of my room. With her anger, though, I could see fear. She didn’t want to be left alone. I assured her that I would be on guard in her dorm the entire time that she was by herself, making sure no one could get through, and that during class I would move us into the cabin. However, it seemed as though nothing I said made it better. We were being separated, and that was all she could focus on.

I helped her move back into her room, keeping a stony look on my face the entire time. Students would pause and gawk at us.

“What, never seen a girl before?” Rose snapped at them.

I could tell the stares and whispers were getting to her. She looked near tears the entire time.

She held it in, however, until Lissa stopped during our very last trip.

Lissa frowned as she watched us walk by. “Rose, I can’t believe you would do that,” she said, her voice clear for everyone to here. By her side, Avery smirked.

“Do what?” Rose snapped.

“Try to seduce a guardian. I thought you were better than that.” Lissa voice was disappointed and condescending.

“I didn’t-”

“Not to mention try to blame my boyfriend for that abomination sticking out of you,” Avery sneered.

Lissa’s frowned deepened and she turned to Avery. “That wasn’t -” she broke off, starting at Avery for a full minute before turning back to Rose. I was startled to see the same dark glint in her eye as I’d previously seen in Adrian’s. What was going on? Whatever it was, it wasn’t good.

“She has a point, Rose. I still don’t understand why you would blame Adrian. Why don’t you just admit it finally, and tell the truth. You got drunk, invited some guy back to your room, had sex with him, then found out you were pregnant. Then you decided to cry rape.” Lissa shook her head with mock sadness. “I can’t have a future guardian who demands so much attention. Good thing I have Guardian Belikov, huh?” With one last chilling look, Lissa spun primly on her heel and walked away, her arm linking with Avery’s.

Rose simply stared after them, speechless. Then the whispers started, and I took that as my cue to take Rose away.



I simply sat on my bed once we reached my room. Distantly, I heard Dimitri talking, but it came out muffled, as if he had something over his mouth. I couldn't focus on anything but Lissa’s cruel words. I knew it wasn’t her. At least, I didn’t think it was her. It was Avery. Something with Avery. Why she hated me, I didn’t know. What I did know was that she was slowly but surely destroying my life. Recently, I had found that the bond was being blocked by something. I could still get an inkling of Lissa’s feelings, but I couldn’t get into her head. Lissa also began partying much more; that increased my worry by tenfold. Maybe Avery was pissed because Adrian had gotten me pregnant? Maybe she was trying to make me lose the baby. She’s doing a fine job of it, I thought bitterly.At this rate, I would have a miscarriage within the week.

The idea of a miscarriage made me breathless with terror. What if she managed it? What if with all my worry and fretting I had one?

“Dimitri!” I cried out, needing his arms around me to hold me together.

“Roza,” he exhaled. “Are you al-”

I cut him off, throwing my arms around him. He understood my unspoken request and simply held me, not speaking.

We sat wrapped in each others arms for a good ten minutes before I felt alright again.

“Roza-” Dimitri began again, but I shook my head. I didn’t want to talk about it. Dimitri sighed.

“What will we do?” I asked, my voice small.

“It’ll be alright, Roza. I’ll keep watch, and then we can move into the cabin later this week. This is simply for appearances, okay?” Dimitri kissed the top of my head.

“But with field experience-”

“It’ll be fine,” Dimitri interrupted me. “Alberta and a select few other guardians will be watching to make sure something like what happened the other day won't happen again.”

I swallowed, then nodded. “If you say so,” I said softly.

Dimitri smiled. “I do. And you know me, I’m always right.”

I gave him a halfhearted smile. “You need to go back,” I whispered.

Dimitri nodded sadly. “Lock your door. I’m going to change your lock, then you and I will have the only keys, okay? Not even the master key will open it.”

I sighed and nodded once more. “Thank you,” I murmured, stretching my neck to kiss him on the lips.

Dimitri kissed me back before pulling away. “Be safe, my Roza.” He lowered himself to my stomach and murmured something in Russian, then placed a kiss on it before standing up. “I’ll see you later.”

“Love you,” I said.

Dimitri looked over his shoulder at me with a smile. “I love you too, milaya.”


From that point, my week went from bad to worse. After Lissa’s very public humiliation of me, people who had never said a word against me began openly mocking me. I was called horrid names, and not a single teacher spoke against them. They simply ignored everything, carrying on teaching.

I would have skipped the whole week, but I was afraid of being alone. At least in class, Dimitri's comforting presence was there. In my room, there was no one but me.

Lissa never left Avery’s side, which made me wonder, where was Christian? That question was answered during lunch. He had somehow become best friends with Adrian Ivashkov, his previously worst enemy. I was officially 100% alone. And that’s when Avery made her move.

You should just die. The thought came out of nowhere, at least nowhere in my mind, a few days after I had moved back into my room. I paused in doing my homework, frowning. Just kill yourself,the voice continued. With a start, I realised that it was coming from the bond. Lissa wanted me to die.

Do it. Just jump out the window. Make it easier on everyone. My feet began moving of their own accord to the window. I stopped my movement. What was I doing?!

Finding peace, the voice replied. I froze. This wasn’t Lissa. Lissa couldn’t get into my mind. My feet began moving again.

What? No, no, no!!I began breathing hard, out of control.

“Dimitri!” I cried out. “Dimitri!”

I heard the pounding of feet as I neared the window. My hands began opening it.

“Roza! What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Dimitri called through the door. I could hear the jingle of his keys as he began unlocking it.

“No!” I screamed back, my breathing ragged. “Help!”

The window was open now, as was the door.

“Roza! What are you doing!” he cried out, striding towards me.

But the faster he came, the faster I moved. Both legs were swung out of the window when he grabbed me, just in time.

He pulled me back into the safety of my room and the voice disappeared with one last message.

 Your luck won’t last forever. 

A/N:Dun dun duuuun!!! I am so happy right now! I had coffee!! xD

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