Chapter Eight

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Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy, the amazing Richelle Mead does.


I had a fun filled breakfast, but now I had to go to Stan's class. Ugh. I hated Stan as long as I remembered, and I knew that the feeling was mutual. I was ecstatic, though, when Dimitri told me that I was going to do actual combat training. As soon as the teachers heard that I was pregnant, they immediately stopped allowing me to fight other people. Instead, I sat in the back of the gym watching everyone else fight, or running the track, although the latter was only for days I was really truly bored, or hyper. I could physically feel my muscles going to waste, so I used to sneak out to use the punching back in the gym after curfew when no one else was around. That was stopped when Alberta caught me beating the shit out of a punching back til my hands were bloody. Now the gym is locked, and my hallway seems to always be watched, making sure I didn't escape from my room. All in all, it sucked, and I was glad that Dimitri was going to let me fight. With a dummy, that is. Not him. Which kinda sucked, but whatever. Maybe soon enough I will be able to fight him. I could only hope.

I walked slowly towards Stan's room, knowing my seat in the back would be open. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of my rage, which Eddie would probably end up caring out through punches. And the sweet thing was, he wouldn't even get in trouble because Alberta had given him permission to keep the guys away from me by any means. He had already had to use that privilege on several occasions. It wasn't pretty.

When I walked into Stan's class, I quickly scanned the room, like a guardian would, except I wasn't looking for the same kind of dangers. Once I saw that my seat was empty, like it was every day, and found a route by which I would be able to get to it without getting near guys, I sat down and faced the front. To my instant relief, Alberta was subbing today for Stan. I wondered idly why he was missing class. I hoped it wasn't because of me, I thought, appalled. Even though I didn't like Stan, and annoyed him every chance I got, I didn't really want him out of a job. Although, if that meant I would never have to suffer through another class with him, it would totally be worth it.

I focused on Alberta as she started the class. I listened carefully, and was surprised that this class was actually highly informational. With Stan, we seemed to argue more than learn, and hearing Alberta teach and get something out of it was a nice change.

The class seemed to fly by. I was hyper aware of the fact that Dimitri wasn't too far away from where I sat. I wondered if he was guarding any of my other classes. Clearly, he was going to teach my combat classes, but was he going to be in the classes I had with Lissa?

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. I stayed in my seat as everyone rushed out. It was a daily occurrence, and the teachers knew by now to let me be late, so I could avoid the crowded hallways. As the new class came in, I got up and stood in the back of the classroom, a few feet away from Dimitri. Why he was still here, I had no idea. Was he waiting for me? I felt something flutter in my chest at the thought.

The bell rang again. Classes started now. I walked quietly out the door, Dimitri following me out almost silently, and I got the distinct impression that he only made noise so that I knew he was there. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that if he wanted to be, he could be as silent as the wind on a still summer day.

We walked to my combat class in comfortable silence. Once we got there, I immediately went to the girl's locker room and change into workout clothes. I came back quickly and stood in front of Dimitri.

"Okay, Comrade, what are we going to do?" I asked.

Dimitri smiled at me. "We, or actually you, are going to run."

I groaned. Dimitri's smiled widened. "Again?" I asked.

"Yup," he said almost cheerfully.

I made a face as I started stretching. "I thought you said I would be fighting?"

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