Chapter 29

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About a week later, Ginny and I are sitting together at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. I've gotten my bandages off my left hand and the cuts from my detention have pretty much healed, but there's a nasty scar.

As I'm eating and talking with Ginny, an owl flys over to me, drops a letter an m plate, then flys away just as quickly as it came. Slightly puzzled at this, I slowly put my fork down and pick up the letter. I study my name written messily across the envelope. Then, I recognize the sloppy handwriting. RON!

I look over at Ginny who is apparently very focused on her plate of food. Quickly, I get up from the table and start running towards the common room. I want to read Ron's letter in privet. "Morgan?!" Ginny calls after me.

I ignore her and keep running, my legs burning, tears filing my eyes, focusing only on getting to the common room. After 5 minutes, I make it to the portrait hole entrance. I quickly pant out the password and the door swings open. As I opens, I run straight into Olivia and Seamus, holding hands, clearly heading down to breakfast.

"Morgan!" Olivia says, shocked. "Is everything alright?" I nod and tell a lie, "Ya, everything's fine. I uh, just forgot my textbooks in our dorm."

"Ok." she says, apparently buying my lie, her eyes focused more on Seamus than anything else. Her and Seamus move out of the way and I run into the common room. Thankfully, it's empty. I plop myself into an armchair and, with shaking hands open the letter.

Dear Morgan,
I miss you so much. I think about you all the time. I hope Hogwarts is alright. Harry and I are ok, but we're on the run a lot, especially since we broke into the ministry. On the bright side, we found a horcrux! We plan to destroy it as soon as possible.

Morgan, I have to go now......I love you with all my heart! I promise I'll be back soon. Please DONT write back, it might give Harry and I away. Stay safe.

I love you so much,

I read the letter over and over again, more and more tears falling with each word. I hug the letter close to my chest, and let out a sob. I know it sounds childish, but knowing that Ron had touched this piece of parchment, that he used it to write to ME, makes me feel closer to him, almost like he's right here with me.

I hear someone enter the common room and I quickly take a deep breath, wipe away my tears, and fold Ron's letter. Ginny comes over to me with a worried look on her face. "Morgan what happened? Is everything ok? Who was that letter from?"

I sigh and look away. I'm not sure if I want to tell her about the letter. "Morgan, please." Ginny pleads, making me look into her eyes. Again, I sigh and slowly hand her the letter. I guess she deserves to know, she is Ron's sister after all.

She gently takes the letter from my shaking hands, unfolds it, and reads it. Once she's finished reading, she nods and blinks back a few tears. I get up and we hug, both silently crying over being away from the boys we love.

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