Chapter 34

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The barrier has broken. Harry, Ron and I run down the halls of Hogwarts and go outside. The sight that meets out eyes is devastating. There are people fighting, spells flying, and innocent people dying everywhere I look.

The three of us run across the battle field, ducking, dodging, and deflecting spells and curses that are sent out way. About half-way across the courtyard, I feel something hit me in the back and I let out a high pitched scream of pain. I recognize the pain. The crucio curse! Josh used it on me many times before. I fall to the ground, still screaming in pain.

Though my blurred vision, I see who I assume to be Ron, running towards me. He shoots a spell over me at my attacker, and the pain stops. I take a deep, shaking breath and try to get up, but a wave of weakness floods over me and I collapse again. I hate feeling so weak!

Carefully, two pairs of hands wrap around me and pull me to my feet. I smile gratefully at Harry and Ron as I carefully get up. "Are you ok?" Ron asks, worry laced in his voice. I nod and slowly, he and Harry let go of me. I take another deep breath and say, "I'm fine. Let's go, we don't have much time." I just really want to change the subject before I have to start reliving more memories from Josh's house.

We continue running to where Harry believes Voldemort and his snake are. I still feel slightly shaky from the torture curse, but I shake it off and follow Harry and Ron.

About 10 minutes later, we arrive at the doc where the first years boats are. I hear voices inside one of the sheds. Harry ducks under one of the windows and listens. Ron and I do the same.

The voices belong to Snape and Voldemort. They're talking about some wand. "It does not truly answer to me Severus. The wand only responds to the one who killed it's last owner. You killed Dumbleore, Severus." Voldemort hisses. I hear a flick of a wand and someone collapses. "Nagini, kill."

There are many loud banging noises and I can hear the squish of flesh being penetrated. I flinch with every sound. "Come Nagini." hisses Voldemort to his snake. He disapperates. Carefully and quietly, Harry gets up from his hiding spot and walks into the shed. "Harry!" I hiss, chasing after him, Ron right behind me.

The sight I face inside the shed is beyond belief. Snape is laying up against a wall, his robes blood soaked, tears slowly sliding down his face. Harry cautiously walks over to the professor, kneels down, and, looking into Snape's eyes, tries to cover up a few of the headmasters wounds, trying to slow the blood flow.

Snape points to the tears sliding down his cheek. "Take them. My memories, put them into the pensieve, you deserve to know." he says in barely a whisper. Harry turns to Ron and I. "Quick, give me a flask, or bottle, anything." he says slightly desperately. I look around and find a small bottle on the table near me. I grab it and hand it to Harry.

He collects the memories from Snape. "You have your mothers eyes." Snape whispers, looking into Harry's emerald green eyes. With one last breath, Snape's body goes limp and the blood slowly stops flowing. A few tears fill Harry's eyes, but he quickly blinks them back and stands.

Just then, the light in the shed darkens and I once again hear the evil whispering in my head.

"You have all fought bravely, but in vane. I now ask my forces to retreat. Care for your wounded and dispose of you dead with honour. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. You have let your friends die for you! There is no greater dishonour! Come to the Dark Forest to confront your fate, or I shall kill every last man, woman, and child that tries to keep you, from me." The voice fades away and the light goes brighter.

I look from Ron to Harry and back. The three of us join hands and go back up to the castle to see what the damage is.

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