Chapter 43

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"Harry NO!" I yell. "I can't! I won't!"

"Why the hell not?!?" Harry yells back.

"Harry because. You can't let this war destroy you! Sure a few people lost their lives, but just think about all the lives saved because you killed Voldemort! You're a hero Harry! So are Fred, and Olivia, and everyone else, they died heroes!" I say loudly, tears streaming down my face.

"I don't care!" he yells. "Now are you going to help me or not?!"

"NOT!" I scream.

"Fine, I'll just get someone else, or I'll do it myself!" Just then, the door to the common room opens and Ron walks in. "Hey, is everything ok? I heard yelling and screaming from all the way down the hall." Ha starts to walk over to me and I can see the worry in his eyes. I feel a sob well up inside me and I run towards Ron. He opens his arms for me to hug him, but instead, I push past him and run out of the common room, sobbing.

I keep running through the halls of Hogwarts until I get to an empty courtyard. I sit on the ground and hug my knees, pulling myself into a tight ball, still sobbing. How could Harry do that? How could he ask me to do something like that?

A few minutes later, I hear somebody come up behind me. I don't bother to look at them, I know it's probably Ron. The person comes closer to me and sits down. Without really knowing who it is still, I lean up against them, resting my head on their shoulder. I can tell its a guy, but it's defiantly not Ron, it just doesn't feel right. Quickly, I get off of them and turn to see who it is.

"What the heck Draco!" I shout, jumping to my feet, glaring at Draco Malfoy. He gets to his feet too and looks directly at me, his expression surprisingly soft. "I'm sorry." he says. "I just saw that you were upset, so I thought I might be able to help."

"Well you can't!" I spit, still glaring at Draco. "You don't understand! And besides, you're a complete ass and you've never cared about me! All you've ever done is hurt me!" I say loudly. I se Draco's soft expression instantly turn hard, and he glares at me.

"Alright, fine! I was willing to try and help, but if you don't want it that's fine!" he says harshly. With a sneer and a final glare at me, he turns and starts to walk back to the castle. Just then, he turns back around and says, a bit of anger raising in his voice. "And another thing, I do know how you feel. I lost a best friend tonight too. Or maybe you didn't notice, Crabbe and Goyle went into the Room of Requirement with me, and only Goyle and I came out."

I stare at Draco in shock. "Also, this war hasn't just affected you and your side, it's affected deatheaters and their families too! Both of my parents are going to Azkaban, and I would be to if I wasn't still underage! I realize my mistakes now, and I want to try and make things right again. I'm going to change Morgan! I won't be such a jerk and I'll never hurt anyone again! I'm going to change!" he says, almost pleasing me to believe him. Believe that he's going to change. That he's going to become anything other than a deatheater.

"Draco." I start in just a whisper. "Draco I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." he replies with a sigh. "It's my stupid, arrogant fathers fault." A bit shocked at what Draco is saying about his father, I slowly nod then run my hand through my hair. Draco gives a small smile at this then offers out his hand. "Friends?" he asks, almost comically.

At first I hesitate. I used to think I would never be caught dead with Draco Malfoy ever again. He hurt me so much in the past, physically and emotionally. But the past is in the past, and I can tell Draco is truly going to change. Slowly I take his hand and smile.

"Sure." I reply. "Friends."

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