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Vic's POV

I walked hurriedly avoiding people at the street, I was already late for work and that wouldn't leave a good image being the son of the owner. I started to walk faster earning a few strange looks from people but I didn't cared, we live San Francisco they should be used to it.

Finally in front of me was my father business "The cheap bouquet" we sold flowers all across the countries for different events, mainly for weddings. My father started this business with my mother, she always said that flowers could make things more beautiful, she taught the different kind of flowers, how you should take care of them and the meaning of each one. It was more like a hobby and when I was a kid me and my brother would always help at the store we had. Soon it became famous because of how beautiful our flowers grew, it was all thanks to my mother.

I sighed as my fingers caress slightly the image of her that we have outside our building in her memorial. My mom died of a disease when I was 18, that was five years ago. She didn't lived enough to see our little shop become into a national success, a sad smile appears on my lips as I decide I have wasted enough time and go inside the building.

When I get into the elevator I'm rehearsing a good excuse so my father won't get mad at me. When the doors open I'm greeted by the face of my personal assistant.

"You are late mister Fuentes"

"Very observant mister Gaskarth" I say sarcastically with a smile seeing a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Tell me what's new Alex" I say as we both start to walk to my office.

"Well your father is pissed at you. There is a problem with the company at Baltimore, they are out of roses. You have an appointment with the director of "The Legacy", they have and important event coming soon and they need "creative flower arrangements". As mister Biersack said." I sighed as I thought how long this day was going to be.

"Okay Alex, first of all I'm going to talk to my father so in the mean time answer my phone. Then tell Michael the problem of the company in Baltimore, when he comes to a solution bring me the reports of how much money is going to be needed. As for the appointment with Mister Biersack look for Miss Jardine and tell her to come with and sketch book and her colors... Most of them dark colors they always use that color. Also contact Miss Williams and ask her to bring the book of prices to the appointment" I turned around looking at him directly "Is everything clear?"

"Clear as water, have a nice day Vic" He smiled and walked away as I went to my father's office. As I was about to open the door I could hear his voice calling me.

"About time Vincent" he said coldly. 'Let the torture begin' .

Time skip brought to you by "If words could kill" just because I'm obsessed with them right now xD

I sighed as I let my self fall into my chair. After being scolded by my father I spent almost 5 hours with mister Biersack, because him and his husband Ashley were arguing about what color of the paper should be in the arrangement. Andy said that it would be better black, but Ashley said it was better purple. They asked us to leave them alone for a moment, and an hour later Ashley won the battle, but something tells me he manipulated his husband, I'm pretty sure I heard moans during that hour but being honest I didn't wanted to know what happened there.

Besides of being a very uncomfortable appointment during the hour we were out Miss Jardine wouldn't stop flirting with me. I'm not saying that she's not attractive, it's just that I would prefer her with more muscles if you know what I mean. Besides, I could see how jealous Hayley was, we were pretty close friends, so I know about her crush on her.
I was suddenly interrupted by Alex entering to my office with a smile.

"Hey! You seem tired as hell, going home already?"

"Wished so" I said as returned the smile "You've got the papers from Mike?"

"Nope" he said casually crossing his arms " he hasn't given them to me" I groaned as I got up gathering my things.

"You can go home Alex, I'll deal with my brother" he stood up and hugged me.

"Thanks Vic, see you tomorrow" we both got out of my office and I started to walk to were my brother was remembering something.

" Oh, Alex!" He turned around looking at me. This is going to be fun. " Come early tomorrow, Mister Barakat is going to come. " At that moment I could see him turn completely red.

"Y-yeah, I-I'll be here e-early" he said stuttering and looking everywhere expect at me "I um... Eh.. I'll see you to-tomorrow Vic" And with that he was gone leaving me laughing at how shy he got suddenly. I knew he had a huge crush on my friend Jack, and it was funny to see how clumsy and shy he got every time he came.

I smiled and turned around going to my brothers office, every one had already left so I decided to enter without knocking. Big mistake.

My brother Mike had his boyfriend Tony pressed against his desk having an extremely intense make out session, while we was moving his hips against him.

"Ugh! Mike, really?!" Both of them looked at me in shock and got away from each other blushing like tomatoes.

"Vic, I would really appreciate if you could knock the next time"

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. However, do you have the numbers of the problem of the company in Baltimore" I said changing the subject trying to get out of my mind that disturbing image.

"Uh... I got kind off... Distracted" he said looking at Tony with a smile. I laughed and shacked my head, they were really cute together. "I'll give them to you tomorrow"

" Its okay bro, take care. Bye Tony" both of them waved as I made my way our of the building.

When I got out I could see the beautiful orange sunset in the sky. I can't remember the last time I admired one. I don't know why but something inside me made stop on my tracks and walk in a different direction, I don't know where I am going but I didn't care. Memories started to flood in my mind, most of them about my mother. I kept walking I don't know how long but suddenly I was embraced by the smell of coffee, it was really good and I looked to the place of origin of this addictive fragrance.

It was a coffee shop that looked kind of old but very well conserved, the door was green and it had huge windows. Outside is was decorated by a bunch of flowers and above the door you could read.

"Postcards and Polaroids"

This should be interesting. I thought as I entered the shop.

Soo this is my first fan fic!! Do you like the idea so far?? Please recommend it. Also sorry if there is something wrong in my english, I'm Mexican soo. XD but please leave a comment of what you think and if there is anything I can get better at. Hope you like it! See ya next time!

Shy phantom out

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