Chapter 2

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Vic's POV

When I arrived home I was still smiling at the memory of that beautiful boy. The way he smiled just captivated me. He just has this something that makes you forget about everything. With those thoughts I drifted to sleep, and for the first time I really rested.

Unfortunatly I had to go to work today, I just wanted to go already to the cafe and see him again. Even though it was Tuesday I didn't felt in a hurry. I watched people run and looking at their clocks. Calling to their offices, yelling to other drivers to hurry up. I'm normally one of those people, but today I felt calm.

Looking around I realized what Kellin meant. People just concentrated in time, work and time. I wonder when was the last time they stopped and said to their family a simple 'I love you'. Or the last time they enjoyed a sunset, or got wasted like there was no tomorrow. The last time they grabbed some clothes and decided to travel. And the funniest thing is that yesterday I was just like them, but Kellin made me open my eyes. Talking about eyes, I couldn't stop my self from thinking of those peculiar blue eyes. The way they shine curious about everything, but at the same time they are so inviting.

Without I realizing it, I was smiling again and I was already at my work. I was dazed just by thinking about this guy, but I was suddenly distracted by a gasp.

"Mister Barakat, please! My boss can arrive at any moment."

"Don't worry Lexi, I locked the door."

I couldn't help but smirk, they always did that. Alex would act like he didn't want anything with Jack, but it was obvious he craved for him. I decided to test them and see if the door was locked.

Unfortunately... It wasn't.

"Well, well. If you want I can give you guys some space." In front of me there was Alex cornered against the walls blushing madly trying to push Jack, that was assaulting his neck holding his hips.

"Yeah, if you don't mind we are kind of busy" Jack said smirking turning around to continue but he was stopped by Alex.

"No we are not!" He got out of his grip and walked where I was, still blushing and avoiding my eyes. "M-Mister Barakat is already here for the meting, I-I'll give this papers to Rian" When he said Rian's name I could see a hint of amusement in his eyes. Hell was about to be released.

"And what does Rian has to do with this?" Jack spatted while crossing his arms.

"Well he is in charge of supervising that we have enough flowers for the events" Alex said with fake innocence while walking out of the office smiling.

"Fuck Rian!" Jack yelled sitting down on the chair in front of my desk.

"Maybe I will" Alex said winking at him and closing the door. I couldn't help but laugh at the scene both of them made.

" I wonder when you will pop out the question, it's obvious you guys like each other." I said sitting on my chair looking through the papers on my desk.

"I want to! But everytime I start to talk serious about us he avoids the subject. I guess he just wants my body." I started to laugh really hard.

"I can't help but think that if that was the situation, it would be the other way around."

"Whatever Fuentes! I'm here to talk about business, not to gossip... Well okay maybe gossip a little. Guess whose wedding I'm planning!"

" Sometimes I swear you are like a woman! Whose wedding you are planning?"

"Danny Worsnop's wedding!"

"Is he going to remarry Ben or what?" Last time I heard of both of them, they were having a lot of problems. Apparently Danny was cheating on Ben.

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