Chp 3

48 4 0

Taehyung readied himself to leave for Seoul. It had been precisely a week. A whole week full of negotiations and deals and prospects. None in person though. The headquarters of both mafia groups are to be concealed. Taehyung will be picked up from Seoul Central Railway station, he will be blindfolded so as to keep the way to Jeon Jungkook's headquarters a secret. Which, honestly, he found ridiculous.

They don't need to conceal anything from him because it is clear as day that Taehyung isn't coming out of it alive. His only two options are: be killed by Jeon Jungkook or be killed by Kim Woobin. None more enticing than the other.

The one good thing in this situation is him getting his rightful time with his mother. She has been staying with him at his private apartment, helping him pack and get ready for the "big move". Neither her nor him address the situation. Enemy territories are a complex topic to be talking about with your mother. Especially when you're the animal being sacrificed.

Taehyung spoke to one of Jeon's representatives, Cha Eunwoo, and has been in contact with that one person alone. Cha Eunwoo is in charge of Taehyung's stay in Seoul. Basically his personal jailer. Taehyung doesn't mind. The guy seems like a man of few words and Taehyung himself being of the same category appreciates the personality. But that does not mean he will be putting his guard down around Jeon's representative.

Taehyung is not allowed to put his guard down at any given moment.

What do you make of it? His life?

Taehyung let out a sigh. His bags are packed and tucked away in the pearl white Range Rover. His twenty-fifth birthday gift from his mum. She kisses his cheek as he steps out into the parking lot where Choi San- one of Woobin's inner circle- was waiting for him.

"What time is your flight?" Taehyung asked his mum. She's going back to Copenhagen right after he leaves for Seoul.

"4am tomorrow." She tucks a silky lock of jet black hair behind her ear. Taehyung wished he had that hair colour instead of his father's chestnut brown. The common, the usual, the boring. Everything he hates about himself comes from his father. Everything he'd love to be belongs to his mother and will be with her forever. He has nothing to offer in exchange, therefore, he won't ask.

"Be safe." He willed a smile, embracing his mother in a warm hug one last time. "We'll meet soon."

"Of course we will." She whispered back. The reality of their situation hanging above their heads like a suspended sword waiting to strike. Although which one to strike at first was not decided yet.

"We have to leave now." Choi San said, unlocking the car and opening the door for Taehyung. At least he has some respect for their doomed future leader.

Taehyung gave a curt nod to his mother before climbing in. She had tears welling up in her eyes but she knew better than to shed them. This is not a goodbye. She had convinced herself and Taehyung just last night. Whatever awaits him in Seoul is just temporary inconvenience. His life does not depend on it. It never had. If Woobin wants the Empire he can have it. Taehyung does not want a penny of his father's blood money. But, he must wait. He must wait to ensure his mother's safety first. He is already planning to move her to Venice. He has been working on accommodation for her in a secluded yet beautiful village. He knows she would love any European city or countryside; the woman lives for nature. It is just a matter of 'when'.

When would they be free enough to just pack up and leave.

Disappear. As if dead a long time ago.

The car moved smoothly through Suseong-gu traffic. Taehyung did not fail to notice how San kept to highways instead of taking the lanes and by-lanes to cut the traffic. It irritated him; its not like they could encounter student traffic of Seomun Market in the middle of school hours. The least he could do is drive through the shopping district and let Taehyung buy some dried fish for his tiring journey ahead. Maybe experience autumn in Daegu for the last time, watch the high school and university students study at a cafe or live their best life at an arcade, get hotteok and walk around aimlessly through Ajin District, window-shop through the Plaza at Keunjang-ro- he had wasted away his free days at the Mang noraebang in that very plaza. Honestly, who decided to construct a shopping mall with luxury brands near two major schools? It took away all the attention from the history and literature museum that Teahyung frequented as an adult. His heart never satisfied.

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