Chp 5

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Jungkook stared at the image in front of him. The cold eyes and tight lips did not match the memory of warm hazels and box smile. Did he remember correctly? Kim Taehyung, as he knew in theory was a meticulous bastard ignored by his father and dominated by his step brother. Yet, after yesterday, Jungkook's preconceived notions about Kim Taehyung have been challenged. The man is reckless, rebellious and full of himself. He isn't savage but he isn't exactly composed either. He dives head first, no shits given to the consequences. Or maybe he is prepared to be shat on. Either way, Kim Taehyung has plans that don't seem of his taste but are necessary evil.

The only common factor Jungkook can pinpoint is the careless kindness; the naivety and innocence that cannot stay hidden no matter how hard he tries. The boy from his memories was quite not cold. The boy from his memories was shy not broken. The boy from his memories was cocky not callous. The boy from his memories was long lost, not Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook sighed.

The door to his office swung open, "You have got to be kidding me Jungkook."

Jimin had apparently left all the greetings at the door. He probably heard about last night's incident from Eunwoo. Jungkook closed his mac and looked at his frantic brother.

"What is it now?" He asked though he knew.

"The alliance is a ruse. You know it just as much as I do." Jimin pointed his finger to lay emphasis on the facade and Jungkook accepting it with open arms.

"Busan is on the offer."

"And the port is bait!" Jimin stepped forward. "What the hell is wrong with you!? First, you agree to bring Kim Taehyung into the inner circle, then you agree to his stupid absolute false deal and then you hand him our trump card? You gave him Yoon Jeonghan?!"

"They know each other. I believe they are some sort of friends." Jungkook shrugged.

"That is not- how do you even know that!?"

"I heard them." Jungkook said with ease. "There's something going on. Yoon Jeonghan knows something that is potentially big trouble for everyone."

Jimin rolled his eyes. He could not believe that Jungkook, out of everyone in this gang, is falling for such bullshit. He knew Jungkook was impulsive, extremely random, but this?! This is stepping into a trap willingly! This is amateur behaviour that nobody would ever expect from the Mafia King. Jimin ran his fingers through his already messy hair. This obsession with Kim Taehyung is the result of a brief encounter years ago; jimin knew that story. Although he now realises that he only knew a part of the story. The chance encounter, Jungkook's wounds and Taehyung's silence. Jimin never understood how deep this incident was. He pegged it to be one of Jungkook's drunk rants.

But that was not the case. It couldn't be, with the way Jungkook is behaving there's definitely more to this story. Taehyung was a prominent character in those two weeks. His role was massive in Jungkook's healing. So much that Taehyung's unannounced departure left a hole in Jungkook's heart. Jimin can see the desperation in Jungkook's eyes. The same desperation he feels when they talk about returning to Busan. The longing for home. Jungkook agreed to this deal because a certain nerve was teased. Busan and Kim Taehyung were synonyms to Jungkook. Another fear adding to Jimin's list of fears: Jungkook's desperation.

"Kook, you need to put a stop to this. Before it gets too late." Jimin tried to warn. "You know there are many who are dying to take you down. You cannot-"

"Jimin-ah, you worry for nothing. Things are only getting interesting. I mean, haven't you been bored with the same nonsense everyday? Work is getting stagnant. We need some action to bounce again."

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