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a/n: thank you for existinggggg~!

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a/n: thank you for existinggggg~!


"Yellow Man... Too.. tight...!"

Y/N lightly patted the teenager's back as he clung to them like a bur to a sock. He had been holding this position for at least two minutes with Wolfie.

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" Denki quickly let go of the child, giving them a sheepish smile.

He didn't mean to be aggressively affectionate, it was just that...

He thought that they had died. They were shot at, with a real-life gun. And they had disappeared.

He was terrified for what felt like hours. The thought of a person he saw as his little sibling being dead... it was just too much for him. He was attached and he thought that he'd never see them again.

He even teared up! That's how scared he was!

"It's just... you can't just disappear like that! I was worried about you!" Denki stated, his tears resurfacing as he shook the child back and forth by the shoulders.

"Eh? Why?"

"Why?! I thought you died!" Denki shrieked, making Wolfie nod, too. "See?! Even Wolfie thought so!" Y/N blinked before looking down.

"M'sorry, Yellow Man. M'sorry, Wolfie." Y/N muttered, looking at the floor in shame. Wolfie gently nuzzled into Y/N's shoulder to show that they were forgiven, making the little kid giggle.

Denki smiled a little.

"It's fine, as long as you're okay." Denki sighed. A sudden reminder flashed into his head. Were they okay? They were threatened with a gun, and they came back out in a strange rip in the space time continuum. "You are okay, right?"

"Yuh-huh!" Y/N beamed, a big grin on their face. 

"Where... Where did you send that guy?" Denki, Wolfie and Y/N turned to see the cashier of the cinnamon bun shop violently shaking behind the counter. Denki had forgotten all about her.  That poor girl, she's probably scarred for life.

If they were under better circumstances, he would've asked for her number.

But now was probably not the best time.

Denki blinked curiosity at the question.

"That's actually a very good question." Denki stated, looking back down to Y/N. "Where did you take that guy?"

"Huh? Oh, to the graveyard."




"... Wh... What?"

Denki and the cashier paled. The 'graveyard?' As in, they killed him? 

"You... You killed him?" Denki asked, cautiously.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐄 ➯ bnha ✘ child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now