Chapter 16

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Jess pov

Fourth day of school and I really don't want to get up. Someone jumps on me "Get up babe" I turned around to see Grayson over me. "Good morning, would you carry me to the bathroom?" I asked.

He picked me up and dropped me by the door "anything else you need?" He said. "Yes" I said winking. He leaned to kiss me "hurry up and get ready" He said. "Fine" I said. I finished getting ready and head upstairs Ethan and Grayson already waiting.

*At school*

My stomach feels weird, but I kept ignoring it "hey Jess" the mystery boy said. "Hey, um I'm sorry, but I never caught your name" I said. "Sorry my name is Jack Gilinsky ( I know he really doesn't have tattoos)" He said. "Well hi Jack" I said. He giggled. "So what are you doing today?" He asked. "Um, not sure, probably hanging out with Ethan, Grayson, and Cameron" I said.

"Do you mind if I join you guys"

"I have to ask the guys, if their okay with it"

"Alright" we focused back on class, then bell Rang. As I'm walking to my next class with Jack I feel arms around my waist "Hey Baby, I'm taking you out tonight, be ready at 7" Grayson said pecking a quick kiss on me. I walked into class starting a conversion with Jack.

"Hey change of plans, I'm going on a date with Grayson tonight, but we can hangout this weekend, if that's fine for you?"

"Sure, how bout Saturday?"

"That's fine"

*School ended*

*At home*

I'm laying down on my bed, I hear a knock on my door " hey babe" Grayson said."Hi" I said. "Um, were not actually going on a date" he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I just wanted us to be alone, so we have a movie date in my room"I peck his lips, that's fine with me. I follow Grayson to his room an lay down on his bed. He put a movie and winked at me "Round two?"

"Grayson, I can't tonight"

"Why not?" He said kissing my neck.

"I would, but I'm on week of the month"

"Awe babe, do you need me to get you anything?"

"Just your kisses" He kissed my cheeks, then my lips, and down to my neck. he stopped on my lips " You're so kinky".

"Babe, we should stop before anything else happens" I said. "Fine" He said pouting his lips. "Don't be upset" I said kissing him. We cuddled up falling asleep with our his arms on my waist.


What the hell? I wake up in Ethans room. I look Ethan is shirtless and has hickeys on his neck. What did I do? Was yesterday a dream? How did I end up with Ethan.

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