Chapter 35

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Grayson POV

Ethan had told me everything last night. He was rude to do that to her, but the only reason he did that was for me, which I did not understand. He said that he can see I still have feelings for her, but he had to do it the hard way. Knowing he did that to her devestated me. He did not have to do it that way. She looked so hurt.

I bought Jess some flowers and decided to go to her room. When I entered I seen her cuddled up next to Shawn peacefully asleep. Was I jealous? She Isn't mine anymore. I left the roses on her night stand and left out.

Jess Pov

I wake up to Shawn having a wide smile on his face "Good Morning" he said kissing my cheek.

"Good morning" I responded back.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"A little better now"

"Glad you are okay"

"Ugh, I really don't want to get up you are so comfortable and I have to pee" I said.

"No stay please"

"Shawn, I really have to go"


I got up running to the bathroom. "FuK" I said a little loudly.

"Is everything okay?" Shawn asked.

"Um Yeah, I'm fine" I lied. I got my period, but that's to embarrassing for him to know.

"Okay" Shawn said.

I hopped in the shower washing myself and my clothes. Ugh, I Noticed I did not have a towel.

"Um, Shawn I need help"

"With what?"

" Don't laugh If I tell you"

"I won't I promise"

"Can you bring me a towel, clothes, and a pad?"

" Let me guess it went through, That's nothing to be embarrassed about. Remember I lived with my mom and my sister I know what they went through"

"Can you just leave it on the vanity set?" I said still in the shower making sure the Curtin was fully closed. He set it down closing the door behind him. I got out and changed, but I noticed something he gave me my jeans, but the shirt and sweater was not mine I put it on anyway. I walked out of the bathroom and Shawn hugged me. "It already smells like you, Just wanted you to be comfortable" Shawn said kissing my cheek with his has wrapped around my waist. Is Shawn starting to like me?

I went to grab my phone off the night stand and noticed there were roses. Shawn got me roses? That was cute of him. " You ready to go we got to go to rehearsals then afterwards, will get breakfast" He said.

"Yeah, I'm Ready"


Shawn and I rehearsed well with no problems I actually felt confident this time. Rehearsal finished and there was Ethan all up on that girl I found out her name was Chloe one of his ex's. It's sad that he had to cheat on me. "Hey, Do you want to make him Jealous?" Shawn asked kissing my cheek wrapping his arms around me.

"How do we do that?" I asked.

"Pretend to date" He said.

"I mean I guess " I said.

Ethan POV

Jess sure moves on fast, She's already with Shawn holding hands being flirty. I only did this for Grayson's sake and everything is going wrong.

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