Chapter 13: From Youngest to Oldest

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A mutant hand gently landed Bluey in the waiting room are, "uhh where are we?" The hand pointing her to the sign 'Secret Subway Station: Is world hopping giving you problems? You ask and we'll take you there!'

"Cool!" She saw a bunch of strange characters starting at Bluey, whispering about her as it seems, even a teen human stared at her with a smile

A scary Dino monster with a red vest appeared along with the train, "Gods, humans and everyone joined in, all aboard!" Everyone boarded on the large train and an orange wolf came by standing on two legs walking with clothes similar to the human she met earlier

She touched a strange panel and the dino conductor turned into a dog conductor. "Oh" She gasped

"Off-modeled huh?" The conductor swap the hat and Bluey sees the beast's form and he swapped her hat with a newer hat, making her see him less threatening

"Consider my appearance a little bit of a warning, we're entering into a very scary place and very dangerous beings to come across... I hope you've brought your weapons..." everyone showed their flaming weapons along with the flutes

"Why is it that you've come to the world we're heading to, Adventure Time?" He said to her

"I just want to help Soot, I saw a kid and Sammy told me that he was one of those people who didn't have a Yokaisona and I asked myself why is he here if he doesn't have the codes?" Bluey asked

"This place... is once our way to travel across this world... but busses, planes, even elevators have replaced it, by the time we launched our last station, it was too late... a flash flood came and it drowned those who had been stuck down there... coincidentally it was the same day the fire-immune flower exhibit's station was flooded... that is why they tried to shut us down. To prevent more deaths from the trains..." He sighed

"Yikes" Bluey shivered and a penguin quacks at her to calm down

"This train, is the last of the few standing... Heading towards most likely the last destination..." He begins starting the train and the dog heroes are chatting about Bluey's best moments. A collie comments on one of the episodes to a girl dog with a hair tie that looks sort of look like her teacher Calypso. There was the same wolf from before, and there was another wolf in knights armor, with a golden armored German Shepherd. She is uncomfortable with the ride because of everyone staring at her and asking her very confusing questions...


The karts are driving past the studios as Bittersweet swings the bat at the worst characters, "THATS FOR THE HIVE YOU JERKS!"

"Hey! Don't make me want to sue you!" Robin felt frustrated at Bittersweet

"Oh sure, my lawyers already have evidence that it was you guys..." Bittersweet smirked

Soot felt sad as he was driving and Coppojo replied, "Rolo, autopilot"

"Roger that" She went behind the wheel and he called out to Soot, "Hey! If you're thinking about her, she'll be okay"

"I know, but I have a feeling she was about to come too..." Soot felt frustrated, "I can't let it bother me! We have to do this..."

Everyone stopped at a strange open field with a grave around it, they went and fuel up and feed themselves before the fight

Oruga looked at the necklace and asked a blue spirit with black marks over his ectoplasmic skin, "is this related to the stones Dugan had?"

"I don't want to say, but there's a spirit conjurer that made these stones... maybe this relates to the other you in Aionios..." Dugan pointed out

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