Here She Goes! pt 1

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The girl couldn't have been more than fourteen with her small stature. She was average height, thin with triangular ears, and deep brown skin. Her very pronounced front incisors were eye-catching. If Thanos could go around snapping everyone in and out of existence, of course, there could possibly be vampires in Wakanda.

Poor Wakanda had been overrun with unwanted visitors lately. The Dora Milaje scrutinized the intruder, weapons ready to jab and stab if needed.

Shuri knew better than to underestimate anyone, having been on the receiving end all her life (as a woman, a genius, and an African), but this girl was no threat. She just knew it. Her big, round eyes and the two puffballs on each side of her head gave her an air of innocence.

The girl's unnatural yellow-orange eyes weren't hostile despite her being cornered in the council room.

Not being able to take anymore, Shuri broke the silence. The intruder and the fidgety elders were wearing on her nerves.

"Who has sent you? How did you maneuver past Griot's security— a system I built myself?" Shuri pointed to herself for emphasis. She stood in the stands with the other voting members. A routine meeting had so quickly turned to chaos and paranoia when the girl appeared seemingly from a glowing orange slit in the air.

"Small girl, what's your business in the palace? How did you appear here?" M'Baku finally asked, leaning forward in his throne chair. The dolt had been stalling for dramatic effect.

Either she had to be a brilliant genius or a thief who had been stalking the palace for months.

"Whatever vibranium you seek you'll not get. Don't think we'll go easy on you because you're a child. Even young ones have to right their wrongs," M'Baku declared.

The youth moved her cuffed arms as much as she could in a gesture of surrender. Her cheeks pulled into a pout. The Dora didn't play around with security, having flung Shuri's latest invention, magnetic cuffs that could tighten and loosen at her command, at the girl like frisbees across the room.

"I'm not here for riches. My baba has far more than this. But I request an audience with queen—princess Shuri and the Feathered God Serpent K'uk'ulkan."

She had a weak Wakandan accent like one from a citizen who had gone abroad before returning. However, she didn't have the typical features of a Wakandan. Maybe of mixed race?

"Why?" Shuri asked, getting up from her spot to stand in front of the restrained girl. One of the Dora quickly followed behind their reckless princess.

"I'm looking for an item that only you two can help me find."

"I can't offer assistance until I know you mean us no harm. Surely, you understand what predicament you put us in." Shuri placed her palm on her cheek. "We don't like when others sneak around. It doesn't end well ... for them" Her eyes narrowed before she caught herself.

The girl bit her lip before sighing.

"I'm not from here."

M'Baku slapped his knee with raucous laughter. "Ahh, give the girl a medal. Her intelligence astounds even me."

Shuri and the girl rolled their eyes in unison. She knew she shouldn't let her guard down, but she shared a smile with her.

The girl continued, "My name's Yemi, and I promise I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Once I find what I need, I'll return the way I came."

Shuri focused on the girl's clothes. The collar and the material looked so unique yet familiar.

"So you're a time traveler then?" She asked, coming to her conclusion.

Yemi shrugged her shoulders. Her eyes darted to the looks of confusion and apprehension of the elders. Even M'Baku was giving his full attention.

"Not exactly. I mean it's in the future, but it's really a different universe."

"Oh, yes! The multiverse!" She cheered, doing a little dance that should have been entirely too immature for a woman in her late twenties. As if feeling a ghost look of contempt from her mother, Shuri regained composure. "Ahem, and you came to me first, why?"

"In my universe, we're very close." Yemi had a sweet smile. "You're like a mother figure to me."

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